Allied NPC projectiles pass through allied NPC's
- only medium sized entities
- currently includes rider
- intentionally dont pass players or other creatures
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "allyProjectilesPassAllies")
Projectiles shot while riding will no more get stuck in the mount
Fixed Projectiles floating in the air or incorrect positions
Fixed Projectiles being invisible
Fixed unable to pickup Projectiles
Fixed Projectile lifetime not saving (therefore not despawning if area commonly loaded and unloaded)
Fixed Projectiles vanishing in the ground or even going through solid blocks (spear/axe)
Fixed Piercing Projectiles to absorb correctly and end up at correct position (unfinished)
- if you didnt knew yet, you can pierce multiple creatures with one thrown spear/axe
- All bug fixes are controlled by:
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "projectilePatches")
Option to force them to absorbe instead of pierce through targets
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "alwaysAbsorbPiercingProjectiles")
/give now accepts multiple players
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "giveManyCommand")
FishHooks no more hover in the air anymore when fishing
- Better Slab and Vertical Slab Culling
- Class Preloading for less laggy early game on the cost of game startup time
- MeTweaks Classes only for now.
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "preloadClasses")
- Major Code Restructuring
- Minor completion for guardsEquipDurabilityMode
- /conquestdecay now accepts values with decimal places.
- Computed as 1 each <decaytime>
- Use 0 to disable decay
- File to run in Development Environment now included
- Completions for metweaks-ASM.properties in terms of patch info
- Fix Crash without lotr when mounting horse
- Added Bark, Beam and Wool Slabs
- As always make a world backup when adding new blocks!
- All Blocks can be disabled in
Config > Blocks
- Beam Slabs copy the direction of the ascending beam block
- Also adds their vertical variants
- Bark & Beam Slabs require Bark Blocks to be enabled
- Stripped Log Slabs if ET Futurum is installed
- Shears are an actual tool now, to be able to break wool slabs quickly too. New ToolClass "shears"
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "improveBlockBreakSpeeds")
- Slab and their vertical variants now can burn as they are supposed to
- Removed empty attribute line for Hoe's and Shears's
- Fixed mismatching langkeys for bark blocks
- Fixed Mirror Vertical Slabs Mode turning off unexpectedly
- Added Bark, Beam and Wool Slabs
- As always make a world backup when adding new blocks!
- All Blocks can be disabled in
Config > Blocks
- Beam Slabs copy the direction of the ascending beam block
- Also adds their vertical variants
- Bark & Beam Slabs require Bark Blocks to be enabled
- Fixed mismatching langkeys for bark blocks
- Fixed Mirror Vertical Slabs Mode turning off unexpectedly
- Fixed Incompartiblities with LOTRFA
- Player Armor is now calculated correctly for healthbars
- Fixed several issues with Ent-Draughts, Mugs and Stews when stacked
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "patchDraughtUse")
- Draught Effects can be stacked now (+50% increase)
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "draughtStackEffectsIncrease")
- Draughts can be stacked now
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "draughtMaxStacksize")
- Enhanced Stew Stacksizes
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "stewMaxStacksize")
- Added option to only show healthbar on Hireds and Players
- Fixed Crash upon losing connection to server while being in Unit Inventory wrapped by Unit Overview
- Fixed /entitystack not working with hired units
- Random Bug fixes
- Added Unit Tracker to avoid loss of units during travel (F7 + U key)
-> (Config > Misc > Unit Tracking)
- Far -> teleport before unload
- Near -> teleport before invisible to client (avoids recreating entity on client)
- Added functional Sorting to the Unit Overview (U key)
- Added counting for riders and archers to Unit Overview
- Reduced Loss, Exceptions or Duping of units upon teleporting to their Owner
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "fixTeleportToHiringPlayer")
- Unit Overview now shows mounted weapon if avaible
- Added Vertical Slab blocks render and name for WAILA
- Unit Counts will now only be showed if above zero
- Fixed some Column handling in Unit Overview
- Unit Overview now hides melee weapons of ranged only units
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "unitOverviewHideMeleeForRangedOnly")
- API Additions:
- Added getRangedOnlyEntities() to handle whether an entity will show only a ranged weapon in the unit overview
- Added getRangedEntities() to handle whether an entity counts as archer or not
- Fixed Mounts running away or keep walking
(Config > Misc > Fix Mounts Running Away)
- Mass Transfer Units and whole Companies to other Players
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "hiredTransfer")
- Reduced Warg/Spider Rider FallDamage
(Config > Misc > Reduce Warg/Spider Rider Falldamage)
- Fixed Crash with ET Futurum > 2.6.0
- Fixed Error when using guards advanced settings
- Fixed Crash when Rider out of height limit bounds
- Changed some default settings
- Added option to disable Unitoverview, AdventureModePatches
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "unitOverview", "adventureModePatches")
- Fixed mounted entity not getting ignored when using Healthbar "Show Mouse Over"
- Fixed Transfer Gui triggering when using the other buttons
- Added Unit Tracker to avoid loss of units during travel (F7 + U key)
-> (Config > Misc > Unit Tracking)
- Far -> teleport before unload
- Near -> teleport before invisible to client (avoids recreating entity on client)
- Added functional Sorting to the Unit Overview (U key)
- Added counting for riders and archers to Unit Overview
- Reduced Loss, Exceptions or Duping of units upon teleporting to their Owner
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "fixTeleportToHiringPlayer")
- Unit Overview now shows mounted weapon if avaible
- Added Vertical Slab blocks render and name for WAILA
- Unit Counts will now only be showed if above zero
- Fixed some Column handling in Unit Overview
- Unit Overview now hides melee weapons of ranged only units
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "unitOverviewHideMeleeForRangedOnly")
- API Additions:
- Added getRangedOnlyEntities() to handle whether an entity will show only a ranged weapon in the unit overview
- Added getRangedEntities() to handle whether an entity counts as archer or not
- Fixed Mounts running away or keep walking
(Config > Misc > Fix Mounts Running Away)
- Mass Transfer Units and whole Companies to other Players
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "hiredTransfer")
- Reduced Warg/Spider Rider FallDamage
(Config > Misc > Reduce Warg/Spider Rider Falldamage)
- Fixed Crash with ET Futurum > 2.6.0
- Fixed Error when using guards advanced settings
- Fixed Crash when Rider out of height limit bounds
- Changed some default settings
- Added option to disable Unitoverview, AdventureModePatches
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "unitOverview", "adventureModePatches")
- Fixed mounted entity not getting ignored when using Healthbar "Show Mouse Over"
- Fixed Transfer Gui triggering when using the other buttons
Fixed Mounts running away or keep walking
(Config > Misc > Fix Mounts Running Away)
Mass Transfer Units and whole Companies to other Players
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "hiredTransfer")
Reduced Warg/Spider Rider FallDamage
(Config > Misc > Reduce Warg/Spider Rider Falldamage)
- Fixed Crash with ET Futurum > 2.6.0
- Fixed Error when using guards advanced settings
- Fixed Crash when Rider out of height limit bounds
- Changed some default settings
- Added option to disable Unitoverview, AdventureModePatches
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "unitOverview", "adventureModePatches")
- Fixed mounted entity not getting ignored when using Healthbar "Show Mouse Over"
- Fixed Transfer Gui triggering when using the other buttons
You can now Transfer Warrios and Farmers to other Players
- Made plates & spears applyable for ranged units
- Added velocity improvements for pebbles, plates etc. aswell
Randomly Enchanted Ranged NPC Weapons
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "randomEnchRangedNpcWeapons")
Added durability usage for ranged weapons if not their default
1. Durability Mode
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipDurabilityMode")
2. Choose whether broken weapons should be removed or kept
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipRemoveBroken")
3. How much durability can they use?
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipDurabilityFactor")
- Ranged AI on mount will properly handle axes, firepots etc.
- Fixed delayed sync in moverange for ranged ai if a new weapon was applied
Ranged AI Improvements
- Fix NPCs shooting above targets
- Fix Performance and Following for ranged NPCs on horse
- Several enhancements for the AI itself
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "aiRangedImprovements")
Balance for Upgraded Ranged Weapons at Units (configurable)
for different weapon types than their default:
1. Delay Multiplier
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsAttackDelayFactorRanged")
2. Option to use dynamic or weapons default delay
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsDynamicAttackDelayRanged")
3. Lower chance for darts to be poisened if not used by Taurethrim
- Fix block and item use when setting guard home
- Updated Portuguese Translation (provided by Juh)
Upgradeable Ranged Weapons for Units
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipRanged")
1. Ammo Ranges and Attackspeed gets automatically balanced
2. No hardcoded Projectiles anymore, enchantments now work
3. You can spawn Bosses with various op ranged weapons
4. Improved velocity to avoid missing targets
5. Ability to restrict which ranged weapon types can be equipped
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsLockCategoryRanged")
6. Permission of Termites
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipAllowTermites")
Unit Overview (U Key)
1. Easy mass assignment
2. Ability to see melee weapons of rangers / high elves all the time
3. Summary about number of warriors, banner bearers and farmhands
4. Shows equipment penalties like poor protection
5. Inventory of warriors and farmers
6. Rightclick an entry to highlight the npc
7. Click on their items to edit their inventory
8. See their armor protection
- Improvements for Adventure Mode & Compartibility for Hoe's
- Added Portuguese Translation (provided by Juh)
- Improved Vertical Slab culling with stairs
- Fixed MeTweaks Config Change Confirm for big GUI scale
- Prevents metweaks keys from triggering when F3 keybind is used
- Made plates & spears applyable for ranged units
- Added velocity improvements for pebbles, plates etc. aswell
Randomly Enchanted Ranged NPC Weapons
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "randomEnchRangedNpcWeapons")
Added durability usage for ranged weapons if not their default
1. Durability Mode
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipDurabilityMode")
2. Choose whether broken weapons should be removed or kept
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipRemoveBroken")
3. How much durability can they use?
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipDurabilityFactor")
- Ranged AI on mount will properly handle axes, firepots etc.
- Fixed delayed sync in moverange for ranged ai if a new weapon was applied
Ranged AI Improvements
- Fix NPCs shooting above targets
- Fix Performance and Following for ranged NPCs on horse
- Several enhancements for the AI itself
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "aiRangedImprovements")
Balance for Upgraded Ranged Weapons at Units (configurable)
for different weapon types than their default:
1. Delay Multiplier
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsAttackDelayFactorRanged")
2. Option to use dynamic or weapons default delay
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsDynamicAttackDelayRanged")
3. Lower chance for darts to be poisened if not used by Taurethrim
- Fix block and item use when setting guard home
- Updated Portuguese Translation (provided by Juh)
Upgradeable Ranged Weapons for Units
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipRanged")
1. Ammo Ranges and Attackspeed gets automatically balanced
2. No hardcoded Projectiles anymore, enchantments now work
3. You can spawn Bosses with various op ranged weapons
4. Improved velocity to avoid missing targets
5. Ability to restrict which ranged weapon types can be equipped
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsLockCategoryRanged")
6. Permission of Termites
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipAllowTermites")
Unit Overview (U Key)
1. Easy mass assignment
2. Ability to see melee weapons of rangers / high elves all the time
3. Summary about number of warriors, banner bearers and farmhands
4. Shows equipment penalties like poor protection
5. Inventory of warriors and farmers
6. Rightclick an entry to highlight the npc
7. Click on their items to edit their inventory
8. See their armor protection
- Improvements for Adventure Mode & Compartibility for Hoe's
- Added Portuguese Translation (provided by Juh)
- Improved Vertical Slab culling with stairs
- Fixed MeTweaks Config Change Confirm for big GUI scale
- Prevents metweaks keys from triggering when F3 keybind is used
Ranged AI Improvements
- Fix NPCs shooting above targets
- Fix Performance and Following for ranged NPCs on horse
- Several enhancements for the AI itself
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "aiRangedImprovements")
Balance for Upgraded Ranged Weapons at Units (configurable)
for different weapon types than their default:
1. Delay Multiplier
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsAttackDelayFactorRanged")
2. Option to use dynamic or weapons default delay
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsDynamicAttackDelayRanged")
3. Lower chance for darts to be poisened if not used by Taurethrim
- Fix block and item use when setting guard home
- Updated Portuguese Translation (provided by Juh)
Upgradeable Ranged Weapons for Units
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipRanged")
1. Ammo Ranges and Attackspeed gets automatically balanced
2. No hardcoded Projectiles anymore, enchantments now work
3. You can spawn Bosses with various op ranged weapons
4. Improved velocity to avoid missing targets
5. Ability to restrict which ranged weapon types can be equipped
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsLockCategoryRanged")
6. Permission of Termites
-> (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "guardsEquipAllowTermites")
Unit Overview (U Key)
1. Easy mass assignment
2. Ability to see melee weapons of rangers / high elves all the time
3. Summary about number of warriors, banner bearers and farmhands
4. Shows equipment penalties like poor protection
5. Inventory of warriors and farmers
6. Rightclick an entry to highlight the npc
7. Click on their items to edit their inventory
8. See their armor protection
- Improvements for Adventure Mode & Compartibility for Hoe's
- Added Portuguese Translation (provided by Juh)
- Improved Vertical Slab culling with stairs
- Fixed MeTweaks Config Change Confirm for big GUI scale
- Prevents metweaks keys from triggering when F3 keybind is used
- Added Hoe's as an actual Tool like in Modern Minecraft. Can now be used to harvest Hay, Thatch, Reed and Wattle&Daub Blocks.
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "improveBlockBreakSpeeds")
- Fixed (metweaks-ASM.properties -> "tauredainPoisonDartChance" not saving correctly, Make sure to change that setting to 10 (percent) if you previously didnt change it
- Fixed ME-Tweaks Status Message fading out two times faster than intended. (Let me know if the speed is fine now)
- Fixed Orc Bombardiers destroying blocks within evil bannerprotection
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "npcExplosionProtection")
- Added Axe as tool for Melon Blocks
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "improveBlockBreakSpeeds")
- Foods like Berries can now be consumed faster to balance their low saturation. Makes them an actual an option for lategame again.
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "foodConsumeDurations")
- Improved Patch for "Npc's offering a quest but were not showing the exclamation mark"
- Tauredain Blowgunners now have a low chance of shooting a poisened dart.
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "tauredainPoisonDartChance")
- Added an option to disable Tin, Copper and Silver Oregen
(metweaks-ASM.properties -> "disableTinCopperSilverGen")
- Added command /guardmodehorn as serverside only opportunity
- Fixed Breakspeed for many vertical slabs
- Improved health bar visibility for "Show Mouse Over" and "Only Injured".
- Added missing name in title of config change confirm gui
- Made Command Feedback translations all serverside
- Added "Dim" argument to /selector
- API Additions:
- Added setConsumeDuration() for ItemFood classes that you cant modify