- Added holster sound to Ma'tok Staff Weapon Other:
- Added Ursa Point of Origin
- Added Ursa Major Point of Origin
- Added Ursa Minor Point of Origin
- Added description how to change Interface Block Modes to all Interface Items
- Added Interfaces Mode display text when the Player is changing the Interface Mode
- Added tooltips to GDO GUI buttons
- Iris can now be copied using middle-click
- Stargate Cover Blocks can now be copied using middle-click
- Stargate Variants that couldn't locate their client counterparts will now properly return errors during rendering
- Adjusted Transceiver GUI
- Extended GDO GUI texture bounds
- Fixed Transceiver transmission frequency being stuck at 0
- Fixed Iris breaking strength being 1024.0 instead of 0.5
- Fixed Pistons being able to push Stargate Shielding Blocks
- Fixed UV on the Generic Stargate model
- Added Naquadah Generator Mark I
- Added Naquadah Generator Mark II
- Added Naquadah Nugget
- Added Refined Naquadah
- Added Naquadah Fuel Rod
- Added GDO
- Added Stargate Shielding Ring
- Added Copper Iris
- Added Iron Iris
- Added Golden Iris
- Added Diamond Iris
- Added Netherite Iris
- Added Naquadah Alloy Iris
- Added Steel Iris
- Added Bronze Iris
- Added Stargate Cover Block system - Stargates can now be covered with ordinary Blocks (Blocks which don't have Block Entities tied to them)
- Added config for how much power can Energy / Transfer Crystals in DHDs work with
- Added getPointOfOrigin() and getSymbols() functions for Interfaces
- Interfaces are no longer valid redstone conductors
- Powering the Basic Interface with redstone while it's in Shielding mode will now control the Iris if the Stargate has one (1-7 closes the iris | 8-15 opens the iris)
- Stargate will now load the chunk it's in while it's connected to another Stargate (can be disabled in config)
- Changed texture for Pegasus Stargate chevrons (the version that doesn't light up at the back) and Atlantis Stargate to be closer to the one seen in the show
- Reworked Stargate Variants to be resourcepack-based
- Stargate Variants can now specify the sound of every single chevron in every possible situation (incoming, engaged, encoded, open)
- Stargate Variants can now specify the back texture of the Event Horizon separately
- Stargate Variants can now specify the amount of distortion on the Event Horizon
- Default Stargate models now exist as default Stargate Variants, allowing resourcepacks to change anything Stargate Variants could change (symbol color, when symbols are glowing, whether the Stargate should have a vortex)
- Kawoosh should no longer be able to destroy Graves from the GraveStone mod
- Fixed "Stargate does not have enugh space" random message appearing when Apotheosis is installed
- Fixed Classic Stargate not generating a random Point of Origin when it's created from blocks
- Fixed crash when dialing the 9th movie-style Stargate chevron when the encoded symbol isn't Point of Origin
- Added Call Forwarding Device (heavily Work In Progress, final version will be a lot different in functionality) - When placed inside a DHD, it will reroute any incoming connections to another gate
- Added Address Whitelisting and Blacklisting (currently can only be set with CC:Tweaked); Functions: addToWhitelist(), removeFromWhitelist(), clearWhitelist(), addToBlacklist(), removeFromBlacklist(), clearBlacklist()
- Added Stargate Filter (currently can only be set with CC:Tweaked); Functions: getFilterType(), setFilterType() - {0 = No Filter, 1 = Whitelist, -1 = Blacklist}
- 0 can no longer be used in setChevronConfiguration() and the whole input array has length 8 instead of 9
- Chulak now has two suns (Dennal and Chaaporis)
- Fixed DHD not disconnecting from the Stargate after Communication Crystals are taken out and it's too far away from the Stargate
- Fixed setNetwork() CC:Tweaked function throwing exceptions and not working properly