Drum roll please............. It now runs on server as intended! * childern Yay *!
Well, anyway here are the changes:
- Now the mod can run server side too, this means you can slap into a server, set the color of a cool polar bear to deep purple and show it to your friends! (Well, that is, if you have any friends and if they have the mod installed on their client.
- Now a developer can (and should) set the color from the usual ColoredGlowLib class which is going to set the color on the server side. Periodicly, packets will be sent to the client updating the information, so they will render the colors.
- Fixed a few issues with the data file, now it should be working correctly without spitting random errors. (you may have to copy the stuff below the first line that says "ColoredGlowlib data" and delete the file, let it generate again and then paste it under the same line which probably changed not by much, but still.
- To automagicly send the new stuff to players you can use ColoredGlowLib.updateData(MinecraftServer server), and this will also save the data on the file.
- The data file now will be saved only on serverside, or in singleplayer (took me a while to figure out how to not save it everytime on the client too btw)
- Added a few utility methods (most of which, i don't really remember), like getServer(), setDelayBetweenSendingPackets() and others. Check the source/javadoc to find out.
- Vanquished other bugs probably, and then also studied them/ate them. Eh? What? Nothing nothing.
Added a datafile so now it is possibile to save the color assigned to Entities/EntityTypes/in general (it also represents somewhat of a configuration file in the config/ folder but it's not advised to use it that way, i'll may write a wiki page to use it properly as one in the future)
Added a few more methods like hasEntityColor() and similar QOL additions (nothing that was impossibile to do before)
Removed a few debug printlns that i forgot
Now when an entity dies it's going to get rid of its color from the map/list contains it
Now the color of an entity is saved as an HEX string instead of Color object
Rewritten the rendering code to make it better & tidier
Fixed some bugs such as not being able to set a rainbow color using the command
Started to think how to make this mod compatibile server side too (Most likely will require to have it both on the server AND the client since the thing the rendering is done only clientside)