Just an updated version of zRP at 1.20.1
- The zRP will not support 1.20.1, it's just a one-time version
- All chips that are difficult or impossible to transfer to this version have been canceled (such as the new hearts)
- Fixed experience bar (now is default)
- Transparent player background in inventories [⚡]
- Fix left/right hand slot color (now is darker)
- Fixed License/readme files (removed)
- Many other changes
- Fix display in resourcepack list
- Unique Textures for Spawn Eggs (backport 25w08a feature)
- Fixed enderman sounds
- Removed Attack Crosshair (default now)
- New Dark Gui
- Many other changes & fixes
- Fix enderman sounds
- Removed Attack Crosshair (default now)
- Pale Wood support added
- New Dark Gui
- Many other fixes & changes
- "credits.txt" updated
- removed "overlay" folders (because of these folders resource pack was not displayed on version 1.21.4)
- New entity shadow
- New attack crosshair
- many other small changes
due to problems with “lang” & “font” folders the new interface conflicts with Icons. So we made 2 versions of the pack and if you want the new interface below is the second file
- xp bar now is default
- many other small changes
Second file with new interface ⬇
- removed brown leather
- removed alternate bedrock
- updated icons
- new xp bar
- many other changes
- Colorful Pottery Sherds
- Connected Dark Hotbar
- Legendary Tooltips support
- Removed Better Flame Particles
- Removed Sodium Translations
- many other changes
- Design updated
- Fixed Enchant Books
- New HUD Icons
- New Effects Icons
- New Enchant icons (small change)
- New Entity Shadow
- Updated Sodium Translate
- and MANY other changes
- Changed sounds volumes
- Removed pointless files
- Changed glint color
- Changed enchanted books (CIT Resewn need)
- Changed enchant color
- Changed hotbar
- Many textures fixed