FULL Version Update:
Adding a Heavy core, Pale oak boat, Spruce oak boat, Acacia chest boat, and Bamboo chest boat:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Adding a Heavy core:
- Added Normal Map.
- Added PBR. (Just smoothness)
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Pale hanging moss, Pale moss carpet side, Creaking heart, Trial spawner ominous, Vault, and Vault ominous:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Adding a Pale hanging moss, Pale moss carpet side, Creaking heart, Trial spawner ominous, Vault, and Vault ominous:
- Added Normal Map.
- Added PBR. (Just smoothness)
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Pale oak planks, Pale oak log, Stripped pale oak log, Pale oak door, Pale oak trapdoor, Pale moss block, Pale moss carpet, Pale oak leaves, and Pale oak sapling:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Adding a Pale oak planks, Pale oak log, Stripped pale oak log, Pale oak door, Pale oak trapdoor, Pale moss block, Pale moss carpet, Pale oak leaves, and Pale oak sapling:
- Added Normal Map.
- Added PBR. (Just smoothness)
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Skull pottery pattern, Snort pottery pattern, Acacia boat, Bamboo boat, Birch boat, Cherry boat, Dark oak boat, Jungle boat, Mangrove boat, and Oak boat:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Stripped oak log, Stripped spruce log, Stripped warped stem, Structure block, Structure block corner, Structure block data, Structure block load, Structure block save, Sugar cane, Sunflower, Suspicious gravel, Suspicious sand, Sweet berry bush, Tall grass, Target, Terracotta, TNT, Torch, Torchflower, Tripwire, Tripwire hook, Tube coral, Tube coral block, Tube coral fan, Tuff, Turtle egg, Twisting vines, Verdant froglight, Vine, Warped door, Warped fungus, Warped nylium, Warped planks, Warped roots, Warped stem, Warped trapdoor, Warped wart block, Weathered copper, Weathered cut copper, Weeping vines, Wet sponge, Wheat, White candle, White concrete, White concrete powder, White glazed terracotta, White terracotta, White tulip, and White wool.
Removed emissives on: Diamond blocks, Emerald blocks, Calcite, and Amethyst blocks.
Improving emissive quality on: Budding amethyst.
Reduced emissive brightness on: Amethyst cluster and Amethyst bud.
Reduced the emissive brightness of Glowstone, Redstone Lamp, Sea Lantern, Shroomlight, Jack o'Lantern, Glow Lichen, Magma Block, Glow Item Frame, Ochre Froglight, and Pearlescent Froglight. And added emissive to Torchflower and Verdant Froglight.
Reduced the brightness level of glowing glazed terracotta and luminous Ores in LabPBR 1.3.
Now the glowing glazed terracotta feature is separated from the main resource pack and made it an Add-ons. So if you want the glowing glazed terracotta you have to use the glowing glazed terracotta add-ons, while if you don't want the glowing glazed terracotta you don't need to use the Add-ons.
Now the luminous ores feature is separated from the main resource pack and made it an Add-ons. So if you want the luminous ores you have to use the luminous ores add-ons, while if you don't want the luminous ores you don't need to use the Add-ons.
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Howl pottery pattern, Miner pottery pattern, Mourner pottery pattern, Plenty pottery pattern, Prize pottery pattern, Scrape pottery pattern, Sheaf pottery pattern, and Shelter pottery pattern:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
Reduced emissive brightness levels for the following blocks:
- Soul Campfire
- Campfire
- Torch
- Soul Torch
- Redstone Torch
- Lantern
- Soul Lantern
- Enchantment Table
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Respawn anchor, Rooted dirt, Rose bush, Sand, Sandstone, Scaffolding, Sculk catalyst, Sculk sensor, Sculk shrieker, Sea pickle, Short grass, Shroomlight, Slime block, Small amethyst bud, Small dripleaf, Smithing table, Smoker, Smooth basalt, Smooth stone, Smooth stone slab, Snow, Soul sand, Soul soil, Soul torch, Spawner, Sponge, Spore blossom, Spruce door, Spruce leaves, Spruce log, Spruce planks, Spruce sapling, Spruce trapdoor, Stone, Stone bricks, Stonecutter, Stripped acacia log, Stripped bamboo block, Stripped birch log, Stripped cherry log, Stripped crimson stem, Stripped dark oak log, Stripped jungle log, and Stripped mangrove log.
DEMO and FULL version Update:
Now the glass effect feature is separated from the main resource pack and made it an Add-ons. So if you want the glass effect you have to use the glass add-ons, while if you don't want the glass effect you don't need to use the Add-ons.
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Burn pottery pattern, Danger pottery pattern, Explorer pottery pattern, Friend pottery pattern, Heart pottery pattern, Flow pottery pattern, Guster pottery pattern, and Heartbreak pottery pattern:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Polished blackstone, Polished blackstone bricks, Polished deepslate, Polished diorite, Polished granite, Polished tuff, Poppy, Potatoes, Potted azalea bush, Potted flowering azalea bush, Powder snow, Powered rail, Prismarine bricks, Pumpkin, Pumpkin stem, Purple candle, Purple concrete, Purple concrete powder, Purple glazed terracotta, Purple stained glass, Purple stained glass pane, Purple terracotta, Purple wool, Purpur block, Quartz block, Quartz bricks, Quartz pillar, Rail, Raw copper block, Raw gold block, Raw iron block, Red candle, Red concrete, Red concrete powder, Red glazed terracotta, Red mushroom, Red mushroom block, Red nether bricks, Red sand, Red sandstone, Red stained glass, Red stained glass pane, Red terracotta, Red tulip, Red wool, Redstone block, Redstone dust, Redstone lamp, Redstone ore, Redstone torch, Reinforced deepslate, and Repeater.
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Bell, Conduit, Decorated pot, Angler pottery pattern, Archer pottery pattern, Arms up pottery pattern, Blade pottery pattern, and Brewer pottery pattern:
Added POM.
Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Mycelium, Nether bricks, Nether gold ore, Nether quartz ore, Nether sprouts, Nether wart block, Nether wart, Netherite block, Netherrack, Note block, Oak door, Oak leaves, Oak log, Oak planks, Oak sapling, Oak trapdoor, Observer, Obsidian, Ochre froglight, Orange candle, Orange concrete, Orange concrete powder, Orange glazed terracotta, Orange stained glass, Orange stained glass pane, Orange terracotta, Orange tulip, Orange wool, Oxeye daisy, Oxidized copper, Oxidized cut copper, Packed ice, Packed mud, Pearlescent froglight, Peony, Pink candle, Pink concrete, Pink concrete powder, Pink glazed terracotta, Pink petals, Pink stained glass, Pink stained glass pane, Pink terracotta, Pink tulip, Pink wool, Piston, Sticky piston, Pitcher crop, Podzol, Pointed dripstone, Polished andesite, and Polished basalt.
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Orange bed, Pink bed, Purple bed, Red bed, White bed, and Yellow bed:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
Addition of emissive features to glazed terracotta blocks:
- Updated blocks: Black glazed terracotta, Blue glazed terracotta, Brown glazed terracotta, Cyan glazed terracotta, Gray glazed terracotta, Green glazed terracotta, Light blue glazed terracotta, Light gray glazed terracotta, Lime glazed terracotta, Magenta glazed terracotta, Orange glazed terracotta, Pink glazed terracotta, Purple glazed terracotta, Red glazed terracotta, White glazed terracotta, and Yellow glazed terracotta.
Added POM features and PBR improvements to glass blocks:
- Updated blocks: Black stained glass, Blue stained glass, Brown stained glass, Cyan stained glass, Glass, Gray stained glass, Green stained glass, Light blue stained glass, Light gray stained glass, Lime stained glass, Magenta stained glass, Orange stained glass, Pink stained glass, Purple stained glass, Red stained glass, White stained glass, and Yellow stained glass.
Addition of emissive features to Ore blocks:
- Updated blocks: Coal ore, Copper ore, Deepslate coal ore, Deepslate copper ore, Deepslate diamond ore, Deepslate emerald ore, Deepslate gold ore, Deepslate iron ore, Deepslate lapis ore, Deepslate redstone ore, Diamond ore, Emerald ore, Gold ore, Iron ore, Lapis ore, Nether gold ore, Nether quartz ore, Redstone ore, and Gilded blackstone.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Grindstone, Hanging roots, Hay block, Honey block, Honeycomb block, Hopper, Horn coral, Horn coral block, Horn coral fan, Ice, Iron bars, Iron block, Iron door, Iron ore, Iron trapdoor, Item frame, Jack o lantern, Jigsaw, Jukebox, Jungle door, Jungle leaves, Jungle log, Jungle planks, Jungle sapling, Jungle trapdoor, Ladder, Lapis block, Lapis ore, Large amethyst bud, Large fern, Lectern, Lever, Light blue candle, Light blue concrete, Light blue concrete powder, Light blue glazed terracotta, Light blue stained glass, Light blue stained glass pane, Light blue terracotta, Light blue wool, Light gray candle, Light gray concrete, Light gray concrete powder, Light gray glazed terracotta, Light gray stained glass, Light gray stained glass pane, Light gray terracotta, Light gray wool, Lightning rod, Lilac, Lily of the valley, Lily pad, Lime candle, Lime concrete, Lime concrete powder, Lime glazed terracotta, Lime stained glass, Lime stained glass pane, Lime terracotta, Lime wool, Lodestone, Loom, Magenta candle, Magenta concrete, Magenta concrete powder, Magenta glazed terracotta, Magenta stained glass, Magenta terracotta, Magenta wool, Mangrove door, Mangrove leaves, Mangrove log, Mangrove planks, Mangrove propagule, Mangrove propagule hanging, Mangrove roots, Mangrove trapdoor, Medium amethyst bud, Melon, Melon stem, Moss block, Mossy cobblestone, Mossy stone bricks, Mud, Mud bricks, Muddy mangrove roots, and Mushroom block.
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Trapped chest, Double chest, Double Trapped chest, Black bed, Blue bed, Brown bed, Cyan bed, Gray bed, Green bed, Light blue bed, Light gray bed, Lime bed, and Magenta bed:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Dark oak sapling, Dark oak trapdoor, Dark prismarine, Daylight detector, Dead brain coral, Dead brain coral block, Dead brain coral fan, Dead bubble coral, Dead bubble coral block, Dead bubble coral fan, Dead bush, Dead fire coral, Dead fire coral block, Dead fire coral fan, Dead horn coral, Dead horn coral block, Dead horn coral fan, Dead tube coral, Dead tube coral block, Dead tube coral fan, Deepslate, Deepslate bricks, Deepslate coal ore, Deepslate copper ore, Deepslate diamond ore, Deepslate emerald ore, Deepslate gold ore, Deepslate iron ore, Deepslate lapis ore, Deepslate redstone ore, Deepslate tiles, Deepslate, Destroy, Detector rail, Diamond block, Diamond ore, Diorite, Dirt, Dirt path, Dispenser, Dragon egg, Dried kelp, Dripstone block, Dropper, Emerald block, Emerald ore, Enchanting table, Ender Eye, End portal, End rod, End stone, End stone bricks, Exposed copper, Exposed cut copper, Farmland, Farmland moist, Fern, Fire coral, Fire coral block, Fire coral fan, Fletching table, Flower pot, Flowering azalea leaves, Flowering azalea, Frogspawn, Frosted ice, Furnace, Gilded blackstone, Glass, Glass pane, Glow item frame, Glow lichen, Glowstone, Gold block, Gold ore, Granite, Grass, Grass block, Grass block snow, Gravel, Gray candle, Gray concrete, Gray concrete powder, Gray glazed terracotta, Gray stained glass, Gray stained glass pane, Gray terracotta, Gray wool, Green candle, Green concrete, Green concrete powder, Green glazed terracotta, Green stained glass, Green stained glass pane, Green terracotta, and Green wool.
UPDATE [1.12.0]
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Oxidized copper door copper, Oxidized copper grate, Oxidized copper trapdoor, Polished tuff, Copper bulb, Copper door, Copper grate, Copper trapdoor, Exposed chiseled copper, Exposed copper grate, Exposed copper trapdoor, Chiseled copper, Exposed copper door, Exposed copper bulb, Chiseled tuff, Chiseled tuff bricks, Crafter, Jungle hanging signs, Mangrove hanging signs, Oak hanging signs, Spruce hanging signs, Warped hanging signs, Chest, and Ender chest.
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Chiseled quartz block, Chiseled red sandstone, Chiseled sandstone, Chiseled stone bricks, Chorus flower, Chorus flower dead, Chorus plant, Clay, Coal block, Coal ore, Coarse dirt, Cobbled deepslate, Cobblestone, Cobweb, Cocoa, Comparator, Composter, Conduit, Copper block, Copper ore, Cornflower, Cracked deepslate bricks, Cracked deepslate tiles, Cracked nether bricks, Cracked polished blackstone bricks, Cracked stone bricks, Crafting table, Crimson door, Crimson fungus, Crimson nylium, Crimson planks, Crimson roots, Crimson roots pot, Crimson stem, Crimson trapdoor, Crying obsidian, Cut copper, Cut red sandstone, Cut sandstone, Cyan candle, Cyan concrete, Cyan concrete powder, Cyan glazed terracotta, Cyan stained glass, Cyan stained glass pane, Cyan terracotta, Cyan wool, Damaged anvil, Dandelion, Dark oak door, Dark oak leaves, Dark oak log, and Dark oak planks.
Adding a Oxidized copper door copper, Oxidized copper grate, Oxidized copper trapdoor, Polished tuff, Copper bulb, Copper door, Copper grate, Copper trapdoor, Exposed chiseled copper, Exposed copper grate, Exposed copper trapdoor, Chiseled copper, Exposed copper door, Exposed copper bulb, Chiseled tuff, Chiseled tuff bricks, and Crafter.
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
UPDATE [1.11.0]
FULL Version Update:
Adding a Birch hanging signs, Cherry hanging, Crimson hanging, Dark oak hanging signs, Tuff bricks, Weathered chiseled copper, Weathered copper bulb, Weathered copper door, Weathered copper grate door, Weathered copper trapdoor, Short grass, Trial spawner, and Oxidized chiseled copper:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
DEMO version Update:
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Calcite, Calibrated sculk sensor, Campfire, Candle, Carrots, Cartography table, Carved pumpkin, Cauldron, Cave vines, Chain, Cherry door, Cherry leaves, Cherry log, Cherry planks, Cherry sapling, Cherry trapdoor, Chipped anvil, Chiseled bookshelf, Chiseled deepslate, Chiseled nether bricks, and Chiseled polished blackstone.
Adding a Tuff bricks, Weathered chiseled copper, Weathered copper bulb, Weathered copper door, Weathered copper grate door, Weathered copper trapdoor, Short grass, Trial spawner, and Oxidized chiseled copper:
- Added POM.
- Added PBR.
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:
- Updated blocks: Bee Nest, Beehive, Beetroots, Big dripleaf, Birch door, Birch leaves, Birch log, Birch planks, Birch sapling, Birch trapdoor, Black candle, Black concrete, Black concrete powder, Black glazed terracotta, Black stained glass pane, Black terracotta, Black wool, Blackstone, Blast furnace, Black stained glass, Blue Candle, Blue concrete, Blue concrete powder, Blue glazed terracotta, Blue ice, Blue orchid, Blue stained glass, Blue stained glass pane, Blue terracotta, Blue wool, Bone block, Bookshelf, Brain coral, Brain coral block, Brain coral fan, Brewing stand, Bricks, Brown candle, Brown concrete, Brown concrete powder, Brown glazed terracotta, Brown mushroom, Brown mushroom block, Brown stained glass, Brown stained glass pane, Brown terracotta, Brown wool, Bubble coral, Bubble coral block, Bubble coral fan, Budding amethyst, Cactus, and Cake.
UPDATE [1.9.0]
Added new block: An update that adds new textures to the resource pack and the added textures also have complete features such as POM, PBR and others.- Updated blocks: Armor stand, Acacia signs, Bamboo signs, Birch signs, and Cherry signs.
Updated the Normal map to be smoother:- Updated blocks: Azalea leaves, Azalea, Azure bluet, Bamboo block, Bamboo door, Bamboo fence, Bamboo leaves, Bamboo mosaic, Bamboo planks, Bamboo stage, Bamboo stalk, Bamboo trapdoor, Barrel, Basalt, Beacon, and Bedrock.
UPDATE [1.8.0]
- PBR Update: Added PBR for blocks that have 2D textures such as Grass, Flower, etc. This update only covers a few blocks, other blocks will be updated soon.
- Updating the Lava, Soul fire, Nether portal, Fire, Respawn anchor top, and Seagrass: Makes texture colors more saturated.
- Adding a Calibrated sculk sensor, Suspicious gravel, Pitcher, Sniffer egg texture: Added Normalmap and Added PBR.
UPDATE [1.7.0]
- PBR Update: Added PBR for blocks that have 2D textures such as Grass, Flower, etc. This update only covers a few blocks, other blocks will be updated soon.
UPDATE [1.6.0]
- PBR Update: Added PBR for blocks that have 2D textures such as Grass, Bunya, etc. This update only covers a few blocks, other blocks will be updated soon.
UPDATE [1.5.0]
PBR Update: Added PBR for blocks that have 2D textures such as Grass, Bunya, etc. This update only covers a few blocks, other blocks will be updated soon.
UPDATE [1.4.0]
Bug fixes:
- Fixed dark oak plank having wrong rotation.
- Fixed texture concrete that is not seamless.
- Added POM to 2D block (Grass, flowers and more)
- Added PBR to 2D block (Grass, flowers and more)</li<
- Now supports Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.x
- Now supports OldPBR.