- Fixed name from turtle_scute to scute.
- Changed shears texture.
- Added lead, map + (filled + markings), elytra + (broken), firework rocket, saddle and goat horn.
- Added trident.
- Added golden apple and golden carrot.
- Added beef, cooked beef, porkchop and cooked porkchop.
- Added potato, cooked potato and poisonous potato.
- Added cookie, cake, pumpkin pie, spider eye and fermented spider eye.
- Added emerald, netherite scrap, wheat, ink sac and glow ink sac, turtle scute, clay ball, breeze rod, paper, trial key and ominous trial key.
- Added wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and beetroot seeds.
- Added all sign and hanging sign variants (oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, crimson, warped, mangrove, cherry and bamboo).
- Added hopper
- Changed flint texture.
- Added cod, cooked cod, salmon, cooked salmon, tropical fish and pufferfish texture.
- Added bamboo, breeze rod, clay, egg, diamond, spawn eggs texture.
- Added powder snow, cod, salmon, tropical fish, tadpole, axolotl, pufferfish and milk bucket texture.
- Added shears and flint and steel texture.
- Added standby, pulling 0, 1 and 2, arrow and firework crossbow texture.
- Changed leggins texture.
- Added iron, copper, gold and netherite ingots texture.
- Added amethyst shard, brick and nether brick texture.
- Added stick, blaze rod, bone texture, armadillo scute, leather and rabbit hide texture.
- Added apple, beetroot and carrot texture.
- Added bucket, lava and water bucket texture.
- Added bowl, beetroot soup, suspicious, rabbit and mushroom stew texture.
- Added fishing rod, carrot and warped fungus on a stick texture.
- Added brush, flint, coal and charcoal texture.
- Added bow and pull animation textures.
- Added bell, and flower pot texture.
- Added full set of armor for leather, chainmail, iron, gold, diamond and netherite
- Leather armor has an overlay texture
- Added turtle helmet
- Added full set of tools and swords for wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and netherite
- Added arrow, spectral arrow and tipped arrow (base and head)