Version 1.0.5
- Support for AI Plugin with programmable rules (plugin in development)
- Added 2 more commands:
- setMap for multi to choose the game map you are configuring
- setbombsite for future AI Plugin purposes
- Protection against game exceptions/ better error handling
- Fixed scoreboard update error when starting new game
- Game limited to 16 players due to scorboard limit (and you can't see all the players)
- Removed speed potion effects, using direct speed
- Fixed resource pack load every time you start game by supporting status Downloaded
- Kill during lobby will not count anymore as kills or win
- Start time counter directly linked to Shoptime/2, this way can be adjusted
- Fixed Bukkit and Spigot detection
- Fixed random spawn
- Less spam when missing players to start
- Added version checker (every 6h will look for news)
- Added support for Bukkit and Spigot servers
- Added own Hologram system
- More movement freedom @ shopphase
- Better game mechanics when:
- set to end game if has no players
- set to continue game and player leaves and returns
- starting game by tapping a colour
- Improved error handling when:
- server is terminating
- players leave during game
- bomb explodes
- Old TNT can be cleaned before planting new one
- If player with bomb leaves game, bomb is dropped
- Picked up TNT now goes to right slot
- Better pick up itens handling allowing
- grenades accumulation (same type) and on right slot
- Knife on right slot
- Supporting MC 1.21
- Not working with Folia, problems still persist
- Configurable quitExitGame config so player will leave game if leaves server or not (default false)
- Configurable alwaysDay config so that it always stays day or not (default true)
- Configurable randomMaps config so that it can change map at every round, case you have mode with more then one (default false)
- Teams can't see each other on map
- Fixed problem with duplicated game counter
- Fixed problem with items pickup
Corrected detection for Folia 1.20.6
Score board doesn't work on Folia 1.20.4 (due to FastBoard not working with it), but ignoring the exception it is playable.
Scoreboard works Ok on Paper <= 1.20.4
ScoreBoard works Ok on Folia 1.20.6 but resourcePack from QualityArmory is still not compatible.
- Better support for Folia 1.20.4
- Support for 1.20.6 pending on update QualityArmory Resourcepack
- Fixed errors setting spawns and lobby
- Scoreboard system updated prepared for 1.20.6
- Chicken now spawn at spawns (prototype)
- csmc setMinPlayers x command will change min players before game starts