STARFELL 1.4.1 - Small Patch
Added a new item: The Trowel! Its crafted from copper and allows for random block placement.
Added 4 trinket slots for vanity armor. Or just use the antique set to get rid of the visuals of your armor, but still have the stats.
Changed phantoms to "Corrupted Ravens" with new textures, models, and names.
Made several texture changes.
Re-added lapis lazuli because the spell binding table needed it. However, amethyst is still used in the enchanting table.
Added mod "Trowel"
Added mod "Vanity Slots"
Added resource pack "Raven Phantoms"
Added resource pack "JNE Retextures"
STARFELL 1.4 - Mythical Mythril
Overhauled the enchantment system, again. To enchant you need 3 amethyst shards, and you need the respective enchanted bookin a bookshelf near the enchanting table. You no longer need the respective material to enchant your gear.
Added 4 new Enchants; "Chamber" for crossbows which auto reloadss upon hit, "Requite" for axeswhich heals you upon killing an enemy, "Shriek" for goat horns which sends out a sculk beam dealing damage to enemies in its path, "War Cry" for goat horns that give you an effect depending on what goat horn you use.
Fixed a bug revolving around the mod "Mob AI Tweaks" causing a crash.
Removed the portion size limits! I found it more annoying than incentivising, so its gone!
Completely removed lapis lazuli from the game.
Replaced silver with mythril, but it still functions the same.
Changed a few recipes.
Changed a few textures.
Added mod "Fully Enchanced"
Removed mod "Mob AI Tweaks" As it caused a crash in the stronghold.
Removed mod "Ratatouille" As it functionally did nothing. A leftover from a test instance.
Removed mod "Mob Variants" As it had a bug with armor-wearing mobs.
Removed mod "Bountiful" As their rewards contained illegal enchants that were hardcoded.
Added 3 new items relating to souls; (Dormant and Awakened) Soul Steel Ingots, and Ectoplasm. Forge an Awakened Soul Steel Ingot to make your equipment impenetrable to durability.
Removed kite shields, and replaced them with the singular netherite shield that allows for trims instead of banners.
You can now parry with shields to push back monsters and projectiles. Added the pummeling enchant for shields that increases parry knockback, and barbed which is thorns for shields.
Added a new armor set called Reinforced Chainmail that sits between iron and diamond, has the durability of diamond, but increases melee resistance like no other set.
Removed Electrum, as it was essentially assassin armor with higher stats.
Updated options.txt for better chunk thread performance, and reduced CPU render-ahead limit to 3. TL;DR - Better FPS.
Edited and re-balanced several loot tables. Such as the spawn bonus chest!
Uhhh... is the moon supposed to be like that?!
Reduced fog levels by 30%
Rehauled the entire stronghold, to be more Minecraft Dungeons style. Also a lot more vertical!
Edited the ancient city loot table to make Enchanting Guides a bit more common.
Made structures a bit more... sparse. Specifically 1.5x more rare for all structures besides villages and strongholds.
Overhauled the music soundtrack to have more diversity.
Increased coyote bite ticks from 3 ticks to 5 ticks (1/4 of a second)
Made the antique atlas render like a map when held.
Reworked a lot of mob's AI.
Lots of new and improved textures!
Made spyglasses actually useful! you can now zoom with them wherever in your inventory. Try looking out for some planets and constellations in the night sky!
Removed the Berserk, Beast Boss, and Slide enchantments, and added the Respiration, Swift Sneak, and Looting enchantments.
Added new statue blocks corresponding with different mobs and blocks.
Re-mapped the client intermediary JAR
Updated several mods, most notably being AA4 and its atlas addon.
Added mod "Reactive Music"
Added mod "Guarding"
Added mod "Spyglass Improvements"
Added mod "Useful Spyglass"
Added mod "Spyglass Astronomy"
Added mod "Name Pain"
Added mod "Elegant Statues"
Added mod "Easy Anvils"
Added mod "Create: Unbreakable Tools"
Added mod "Mob AI Tweaks"
Added mod "Sparse Structures"
Added datapack "DnT Stronghold Rework"
Removed mod "Zoomify"
Removed mod "Yung's Better Strongholds"
Song of the day! - You Always Want To Bomb The Middle East by Cheekface Factory!
Introducing a new material, Reinforced Iron! Used to craft high level equipment, and made of iron, ash, and charcoal. Fixed several tooltip & durability bugs Added mod "Sleep Warp" to immersify the sleeping experience Added mod "Custom Item Attributes" Fixed several netherite enchanting bugs.