- New blocksets: Fired Cobblestone, Mossy Fired Cobblestone, Fired Bricks, and Fired Fieldstone!
- Added Clayworks
- Added Pet Cemetery
- Added Incubation
- Added Buzzier Bees
- Added KubeJS Delight
- Added Forgery
- Updated Nostalgic Tweaks
- Updated Supplementaries
- Removed Easy Anvils
- Void Portal Frames & Bells now have a recipe
- Made some BetterEnd foliage more sparse
- Bark no longer drops from Cruderoot Wood (to prevent infinite bark due to a bug)
- Merged Golden Days [remi. edition] and Programmer Art [remi. edition] into Reminiscence Resources - Credits for every texture are in a .txt file inside of the .zip and on the mod page
- Made Phygs drop extra feathers & ham when killed by a knife
- Made Flying Cows drop extra feathers & leather when killed by a knife
- Armor trims have been made cheaper (courtesy of Snek)
- Globes now have a crafting recipe (courtesy of Snek)
- Rebrand a few INMIS backpacks - Withered Backpack -> Forged Backpack, and has the same recipe as the OG Blazing Backpack - Blazing Backpack -> Mystical Backpack, and now requires Zanite and Gravitite - Bejeweled Backpack now requires Emerald in place of Zanite to account for these changes
- Ravagers and Vexes completely rebranded to be Void-themed mobs - Ravager -> Beast. They now spawn rarely in a few Voidscapes biomes. - Vex -> Mindweaver. They now spawn uncommonly in a few Voidscapes biomes.
- Made some changes to the default preset
- Goats now spawn in Savannas and Beta Savannas & now drop mutton
- Camels now spawn in Deserts
- Ruined Portals & Blossom Trees are now slightly rarer
- Backpacks can now be stored in the back trinket slot & can no longer be placed in the chestplate slot
- Trail Ruins are now more common
- Disabled Aether Moa Skins button on pause menu & Aether tips (Tips will be reintroduced in a different way)
- Nerfed Thrasher spawn weight & they are no longer able to spawn during the day
- Nerfed Zephyr spawn weight
- Every knife now deals extra damage to an enemy's back
- Leather pants now have swift sneak & feather falling by default
- Potions/Water Bottles of all types now stack to 4
- Tungsten Armor no longer has knockback resistance
- Obsidian Armor now has +2 knockback resistance on all pieces
- 1 Charm slot and 1 Ring slot has been removed
- Warden health reduced to 200
- Polar Bears are now cracked out of their mind
- Renamed End-related items that I forgot to rename lmao
- Renamed ‘Sugar Cane Block’ to ‘Reed Block’
- Tweaked Quark EMI descriptions to no longer mention XP & give accurate info
- Squids now have variants
- Void Sludges retextured
- Renamed 'Phantom Membrane' to 'Phantasmic Membrane' (it will now be dropped by multiple enemies)
- Renamed 'Thrasher Tooth' to 'Serrated Tooth' (it will now be dropped by multiple enemies)
- Saw and Stonecutter hitbox outline are now full blocks
- Added new variants for zombies, skeletons, ghasts, drowned, & blazes
- Food items now have tooltips to properly distinguish what type of food they are
- Achievements now have toasts once again
- Version text on top left now says 'Reminiscence 1.4.1'
- Removed The Aether's book of lore - For consistency with other dimensions
- Version number on window and title screen now properly says '1.4.1' instead of '1.3.2'
- Fixed Supplementaries rope showing up in loottables
- Fixed Quark Stonelings spawning (they were not supposed to)
- Fixed missing leaf breaking textures (fixed by DrBruhMoments)
- Fixed Ocean Monuments not spawning
- Fixed inconsistent food stacking
- Material tier enchants now extend to their knives (gold knives now have silk touch, for example)
- Fixed many tools not being able to be repaired with the Alter (courtesy of Snek)
- Fixed illegal JEI recipe
- Fixed Nether & Voidscapes not having fog
- Removed Herobrine
- Re-Added Enchantment Specifier, a mod specifically made for the modpack, by the g.o.a.t Roxxane
- Added Upgrade Aquatic - Added Blueprint
- Added Quark - Added Zeta
- Updated Farmer's Delight
- Added Configurable Death
- Added Mini-Boss Boss Bar
- Added Let Me Despawn
- Added Block Swap
- Added Backported Wolves
- Disabled e4mc by default
- Disabled controllable by default
- Disabled Oculus by default
- Innate tool enchantments are now handled by Enchantment Specifier as opposed to Crafttweaker
- Anvils are now cheaper to make (ingots & nuggets instead of blocks & ingots)
- Reduced frequency of some types of BetterEnd foliage
- Farmer's Delight wild crop spawns are more accurate to the original mod (tomatos in deserts, for example)
- Gave Turtle Shells native Aqua Affinity
- Gave Tridents native Loyalty & Impaling
- Reduced Zephyr spawnrate in the Aether
- Blazing Backpacks now require Quartz instead of Magma Blocks
- Endless Backpacks now require Titanium & Opal instead of Endstone & a Dragon Head
- Many previously unrepair-able Aether utilities are now repairable
- Disc Fragments removed; Disc Fragments in ancient city loottables now replaced with the actual music disc
- Upgrade Aquatic's River Saplings & Quark's Glow Shrooms placed in Mineshaft loottables - This was done for people who want the new content but don't want to switch worlds
- The Pharaoh is no longer a part of YUNG's Desert Temples
- Trims now require Emeralds instead of Diamonds to duplicate
- Completely removed several foliage types from BetterEnd
- Datapacks from Paxi merged to KubeJS's data folder
- Many Crafttweaker recipe changes have been transformed to datapack form and have been merged to KubeJS's data folder.
- HOPEFULLY made Badlands and Jungles spawn less often
- Tweaked Safe recipe
- Gloves no longer required for Aether armor set bonuses
- Aether has a regular daylight cycle even before defeating the Sun Spirit
- New Lodestone recipe backported
- Tree Bark can be obtained by stripping logs (courtesy of a script by cobytes)
- Halved Hammer of Kingbdogz ability cooldown
- Removed BetterEnd lanterns
- Removed BetterEnd flower pots
- Removed BetterEnd Chandeliers
- New death system [EXPERIMENTAL]: - Armor & hotbar are kept on death, while inventory and trinkets are lost - Armor & tools take a significant hit to their durability on death
- Aether no longer nerfs overworld tools [EXPERIMENTAL]
- Beta-fied Upgrade Aquatic
- Beta-fied Quark
- Beta-fied a majority of BetterEnd textures
- Every instance of 'End' or 'Ender' renamed to 'Void' or any variation of it for the End rebrand
- Aether Bosses no longer have randomized names
- Added Alex-variant Zombies, assets courtesy of Moon
- Added an optional texture pack which makes Aether tools and weapons consistent with overworld tools, assets courtesy of Tomo
- Zombies have yet another rare variant
- Creepers now have rare variants
- Valkyries completely retextured to be less human-looking
- Completely restored old Stonecutter
- Gave Pigmen texture variants
- Fixed oversight with some Aether tools not having tooltips
- Wolf variants from 1.20.5+ backported
- ANY instance of tools which are wrongly enchanted are now fixed, courtesy of Enchantment Specifier
- Fixed Emerald armor and toolset using Skyjade rather than Emeralds
- Fixed Flax generation
- Fixed Aether Grass displaying a missing texture when snowy
- Fixed "hidden in the depths" achievement being unobtainable
- Fixed Rotten Flesh, Pufferfish, and Poisonous Potatoes not giving poison upon consumption
- Properly removed Mansions and Outposts like I should've way too long ago
- Fixed items disappearing from Gilded Backpacks when they get upgraded to Bejeweled Backpacks
- Removed more instances of tHE FUCKING SHIELD HOLY SHIT WHY WON'T IT JUST DIE!?!?!?!?
Removed Herobrine
- Added Enchantment Specifier, a mod specifically made for the modpack, by the g.o.a.t Roxxane
- New completely original blockset: Fieldstone!
- Removed Redirector
- Added Fast Minecarts
- Added FastBoot
- Added Spyglass Improvements
- Replaced Canary with Radium Reforged
- Added Respawning Animals
- Added Neurina - Ticking Entity Fixer
- Downgraded Forge version from 47.3.5 to 47.3.0
- Made stack sizes of placeable food items (such as pies) 1, for consistency
- Made stack size of pie crust 8
- Removed Endstone Smelter recipe
- Removed BetterEnd furnaces
- Re-enabled some missed crate recipes
- End Cities are now properly removed
- End Villages and Eternal Portals no longer generate
- Candy now stacks to 8
- Poisonous Potatoes & Pufferfish now give 0 hearts upon eating
- Removed BetterEnd plank walls
- Removed Deep Aether log walls
- Removed the ability to combine tools in the crafting grid to repair them (due to enchants vanishing)
- Moved offhand slot to the bottom left in the survival inventory UI by default
- Gold tools are now at Iron's mining level; they can now mine diamonds
- Enabled old animal spawning logic in the Nostalgic Tweaks config
- Moved KubeJS-made items to their respective categories in creative tabs
- Removed many unobtainable items from creative tabs (such as enchanted books)
- Merged many modded items into their respective vanilla creative tabs
- Replaced Nostalgic Tweaks' old animal spawning logic with the Respawning Animals mod
- Beta-fied a few BetterEnd textures
- Removed shading from Bismuth Ore
- Changed Window name to Reminiscence 1.3.2
- Gave Tungsten tools their proper tooltips (I forgot lmao)
- Title screen now displays 'Reminiscence' by default
- Zombie Pigmen now have randomized textures
- Magma Cubes now have randomized textures
- Endermen now have randomized textures
- Chickens now have randomized textures
- Ghasts now have randomized textures
- Several retextures courtesy of the g.o.a.t DrBruhMoments
- Removed offhand inventory UI texture for consistency
- "Sprint" keybind now says "Swim" instead
- In light of there being more wood types than oak, all log tops are once again consistent (with a resource pack for inconsistent top logs for those who still prefer it)
- Endermen now make their modern-day sounds
- Replaced the all-dirt menu background with a gradent of blocks going from dirt, to stone, to deepslate, to bedrock, to nether blocks. This will be in a resource pack; players may turn this off if they don't like it
- Removed the 'Please use programmer art' aspect of the Golden Days resource pack
Fixed Opal toolset recipes
Yet again disabled the ability to eat Ambrosium shards... because for some reason the Aether re-enabled it
Fixed Aether Emerald smelting down to Skyjade
Fixed End crash
Fixed MORE instances of unobtainable items showing up... ugh
Removed tungsten-to-raw-tungsten recipe
Removed several odd unobtainable items showing up in JEI recipes (such as material coins... why does Libraryferret even have those???)
Made BetterEnd armor sets trimmable
Fixed Cog Block texture bug
Removed Herobrine
- Added Joy of Painting
- Emeralds are now uncommonly present in Aether chests
- Emeralds are now more rare in Desert Temples and Jungle Temples
- Joy of Painting textures have been slightly tweaked
Fixed Stratus Ingots, Skyjade, and Stratus Smithing Templates from appearing in loot chests
Removed Herobrine
- Added Sawmill
- Added Deep Aether
- Added Chalk
- Skeletons now have a few randomized textures
- Spiders now have a few randomized textures
- Slimes now have a few randomized textures
- Tweaked Raw Bismuth's texture
- Tweaked Phantom Membrane's texture
- Retextured Sawmill to fit Beta aesthetic
- Farmer's Delight food crates have been retextured and now once again exist
- Tweaked any texture involving Cabbage
- Desert Pyramids no longer give Mining Fatigue when you are near them
- All structures are on average more common (2x spread -> 1.5x spread)
- Tweaked Daub textures
- Apples & White Apples now both stack to 8 and heal half a heart each
- All raw foods now heal only half a heart except for raw fish-related foods, which heal one heart
- Cull Leaves is now by default disabled
- Block hitting is now disabled
- All (hopefully) Deep Aether textures have been retextured to fit Beta aesthetic
- Tweaked Onion growth stage textures
- Buried Treasure now spawns in the Desert
- SEVERAL inconsistencies with textures (done by the GOAT DrBruhMoments)
- Difficulty descriptions no longer mention hunger
- Darkened Bamboo textures (can be accessed via resource pack)
Gamerules are no longer carried over between worlds
Shields no longer spawn in Nether Fortress item frames
Shields no longer spawn in Desert Temple item frames
Fixed uncapitalized 'A' in 'Copper Horse Armor'
Fixed Buried Treasure Maps not displaying any 'X'.
Fixed XP Bottles showing up in Ancient Cities.
Removed Herobrine
- Removed Collective
- Removed Polytone
- Added E4MC
- Added Controllable
- Both Gummy Swets now stack to 1
- White Apples now stack to 1
- Mushroom Stew slightly nerfed
- Both Aether Berry types now stack to 8
- Gingerbread Men now stack to 8 and heal half a heart each
- Candy Canes now stack to 8 and heal half a heart each
- Healing Stones now stack to 2
- Sheep now only give one wool when punched
- Changed Skyroot Boat model and items for consistency
- Speaker Blocks now require Zanite instead of Emerald
- Tweaked Opal texture
- Crap-ified Stuffed Pumpkin texture (block)
- Made Aether dungeons a tad bit more common
- Made the item sprite for the Skyroot Bed 2D
- Copper from ore has been tweaked to only drop 1 Raw Copper to be consistent with the rest of the ores
- Fixed... VERY weird lighting issues for some players
- Zombies now have a few randomized textures
- Creepers now have a few randomized textures
- Further crap-ified Farmer's Delight cabinets
Fixed only unstackables being allowed in backpacks - This shouldn't have been an issue in the first place but hoooly hell I've got the reading comprehension of a Ford Focus
Fixed a crash in the End
Fixed Copper swords not being able to block
Fixed Copper Pickaxes not being able to damage the Slider boss
Removed Herobrine
- Removed Bad Optimizations
- Downgraded Polytone
- Removed Load My Resources
- Removed Disable New World Creation Screen
- Updated Nostalgic Tweaks
- Cleaned up how resource packs are handled behind the scenes (by transferring everything from Load My Resources to Paxi)
- Tweaked world gen - Beta biomes are now more common - The more boring vanilla biomes (such as the plains) are rarer - Flower forests are back
- Graphics now look one million times more like Beta
- XP no longer has any sounds at all
- Gave several tools and armor tooltips to properly define their niches
- Nightmares have been ported - Sleeping in a bed without a proper light source will cause a mob to spawn on top of you, just like in Beta
- Nerfed Backpacks - Stack size on backpacks all-around reduced - Withered Backpack now requires a Blazing Backpack
- Disabled Supplementaries cave urns - Caused an issue listed below
- Made all unobtainable End Remastered eyes obtainable - Reworked Undead Eye recipe - Rebranded Corrupted & Magical Eye, then added them to proper loottables
- Netherite Upgrade Templates no longer appear in loottables
- Retextured all End Remastered eyes to look more Beta-esque
- Removed all unobtainable Achievements and reordered the remaining Achievements to compensate
- Shields can no longer spawn in Stronghold item frames
- Quivers can now spawn in Skeleton Dungeon chests
- [Redacted Mod] Pedestals no longer exist
- Removed several JEI/EMI categories which no longer serve a purpose
- Tridents can now be found in fishing loot
Downgraded Golden Days Base to Golden Days Alpha - This does not apply to the original texture pack used for Reminiscence; it was initially installed for Alpha textures in case people want them, but for some odd reason it was the Beta version
Fixed presets that utilize any form of classic world generation crashing
Fixed Freeze-able Accessories tab in EMI crashing the game
Fixed the Nether crashing on servers
Fixed dumb lighting
Fixed Crossbow texture reverting to the original when loaded with an arrow
Fixed Enderman Head item not using a 2D model
Removed Herobrine
- Added Server Core
- Added Bring Back Bedrock
- Added ETF
- Added EMF
- Added Noisium
- Added Smooth Boot
- Added BadOptimizations
- Added Polytone
- Ambrosium Shards can no longer be eaten
- Tungsten gloves now have a recipie
- Tungsten gloves's texture is now consistent from the other gloves
- Tomato Sauce now stacks from 64 -> 8 and heals only half a heart
- Shields can no longer be found in any loottable
- Candy now stacks to 16, the most that any food item can stack - Eating too much at a time can have gross consequences
- Removed those weird box-like lines that pop up on certain items
- Removed DoesPotatoTick - It causes MANY issues with entities that are far away
- Removed enchanted items from modded loottables such as YUNG's structure mods
- Removed vanilla tools and armor from loot tables - Will be reintroduced with proper enchants
- Fixed alternate water color in biomes; it is now once again blue all-around
- Nerfed Farmer's Delight Skillet damage to 4 - The knockback will be kept though. Have fun
- Supplementaries Sign Post has been removed
- Fixed Nostalgic Tweaks config options not carrying over to servers (Hopefully)
- Fixed Farmer's Delight crops not spawning in the wild
- Fixed Bedrock Layer not spawning
- Fixed Cow Texture
- Fixed End Portal Frame texture switching to the original texture when there's an Eye of Ender placed in it (courtesy of cjaawesome)
- Fixed Chest Boat Model
- Fixed EMI not hiding what I explicitly told it to hide in the last patch smh
Safe for old worlds? - Yes. Hopefully.