Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 2 months ago
Updated 5 days ago
What is this?
Raven Client is built directly off of my modpack OptiFine for Fabric. It includes extra features that are essential for gameplay such as low fire, low shield, no darkness, connecting to any server version, and so much more!
Here is how many FPS I get using OptiFine:
Here is how many FPS I get using Raven Client:
Feature list:
Feature: | Description: | Default keybind: | Works on servers: | Mod(s): |
Performance | Extremely good performance no matter your system. | N/A | Yes | Mainly Sodium, C2ME, ImmedietlyFast, Async, BaadOptimizations, ScalableLux, Entity Culling, and ModernFix |
Zoom | Like a spyglass without borders. Similar to OptiFine Zoom. | C | Yes | Zoomify |
Resource pack support | Adds support for resource pack custom entity models, entity textures, sounds, skyboxes, connected textures, Lightmaps, biome varient textures, client side sounds and particles, dye colors, offsets, sound events, and GUIs. | N/A | Yes | Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, and PolyTone |
Better tooltips | Prevents tooltips from running off the screen | N/A | Yes | ToolTipFix |
Better Shulker Box tooltip | Shows a preview of what's inside a Shulker Box when hovered over | N/A | Yes | Frostbyte's Improved Inventory |
Unobtrusive | Hides potion effects like blindness and lowers the Shield, Totem, and fire by default | N/A | Yes | BactroMod and Clearviews |
Smooth chat animation | Fades chat in | N/A | Yes | Chat Animation [Smooth Chat] |
Mention | Plays a customizable sound when words such as your name are said in chat. Highlights the word. | N/A | Yes | Chat Notify |
Cape support | Shows 3rd party capes such as Lunar Capes and OptiFine capes. | N/A | Yes | Capes |
Anti-spam | Displays a number next to a duplicate message that was just sent by a person. | N/A | Yes | Compact Chat |
Level of Detail (LoD) rendering | Renders far-off terrain with less detail, to improve performance | N/A | Yes, but you have to render in the LoD first. | Distant Horizons |
Higher render/simulation distance than server supports | Allows you to have higher render and/or simulation distance than the server will send packets for. | N/A | Yes | Bobby |
Better keybinds | Adds a search bar to the keybinds menu | N/A | Yes | Controlling |
Quit while saving | Allows you to quit out of a singleplayer game immediately, and saves it in the background. | N/A | Yes, but it won't do anything. | FastQuit |
Dynamic Crosshair | Changes crosshair based on situation (attacking, mining, etc.) | N/A | Yes | Dynamic Crosshair |
Chat height fix | Raises the chat up 8 pixels. | N/A | Yes | Higher Chat (chat above armor bar) |
Freelook | Lets you look around you without moving the player. | Right Alt | Yes, but may not be allowed. | Freelook |
Auto-shift simulation distance | Automatically raises simulation distance while using zoom. | N/A | Yes | I see you over there! |
Automatic cleaning | Automatically throws out specified items from your inventory. (Rotten flesh, string, etc.) | N/A | Yes | InventoryCleaner |
Inventory move | Allows you to perform actions while in GUIs. Very customizable. | N/A | Yes, but may not be allowed. | InvMove |
Auto lapis | Automatically puts lapis from your inventory into an enchantment table when you optn it. | N/A | Yes | Lapis My Zuli |
Schematic | Allows you to create a structure out of ghost blocks, then fill them with real ones. | N/A | Yes, but may not be allowed. | Litematica |
Copy coords | When you press the keybind, it will copy your current coordinates to the clipboard. | G | Yes | Location Copy |
Snaplook | Allows you to look behind you while holding the keybind. | R | Yes | Look Behind |
Mod Menu | Shows installed mods and lets you configure them. | N/A | Yes | Mod Menu |
Model gap fix | Fixes gaps shown in items | N/A | Yes | Model Gap Fix |
Higher chat history | Increases the chat history from 100 to 16384 | N/A | Yes | More Chat History |
Crash helper | Instead of the whole game crashing, it will show the error. Then, you can choose whether to return to the game or not. | N/A | Yes | Not Enough Crashes |
Resource pack organizing | Reads resource packs inside folders and allows sorting, allowing for better organizing. | N/A | Yes | Recursive Resources |
Fullbright | Increases gamma to the max. As strong as night vision. | N/A | Yes, but may not be allowed. | Sodium Fullbright |
Better Sodium menu | Adds support for several mods in Sodium's menu. | N/A | Yes | Sodium Options API, Sodium Options Mod Compat, and Reese's Sodium Options |
Status effect display | Adds a timer on the status effect HUD. | N/A | Yes | Status Effect Timer |
Keystrokes | Displays keystrokes. | N/A | Yes | TipTapShow |
Connect to any server | Allows you to connect to any server version: Alpha, Beta, Classic, Snapshot, April Fool's, any version from 1.0.0-1.21.4, and even Bedrock edition! | N/A | Yes | ViaVersion and ViaFabricPlus |
View bobbing separation | Separates hand bobbing from view bobbing in the video settings menu, and change which items to disable. | Z | Yes | View Bobbing Options |
Nametag display | Displays your gamertag in F5 mode. | N/A | Yes | Who am I? |
Portal GUI | Allows you to open various GUIs in a Nether portal. (Chat, inventory, etc.) | N/A | Yes | Allow Portal GUIs |
Ping numbers | Displays player's ping as a number in tab. | N/A | Yes. Note that some servers spoof ping, so it might not be accurate. | Better Ping Display [Fabric] |
Halo HUD | Adds a halo style indicator around the crosshair, showing stats such as health and hunger. Useful for large monitors. | N/A | Yes | Halo HUD |
To do:
- Configure mods
- Disable on default:
- Inventory move
- Portal GUI
- Freelook
- Inventory tweaks
- Client sort
- Bundle UI
- Auto lapis
- Bed model optimizations
- Dual hotbar
- Add support for:
- Fabric 1.20.1
- Fabric 1.21.1
- NeoForge 1.20.1
- NeoForge 1.21.1
- NeoForge 1.21.4
- Quilt 1.20.1
- Quilt 1.21.1
- Quilt 1.21.4
- Forge 1.7.x
- Forge 1.8.9
- Start a GitHub repository
- Add support for all versions for Fabric, Quilt, Forge, and NeoForge
Report bugs at the official bug tracker!