- 修复海克特神庙水池无法让玩家回血的问题 Fixed the issue that players cannot recover when in the pool of Heket Temple
- 修改了猪灵蛮兵的生成方式,使其更为频繁地生成以抗衡其他力量 Improved the way that brutes spawn, so that they can spawn more frequently and fight against other forces
- 改进了功夫殿窗户,避免赞助者悦灵卡在窗口 Improved the windows of Kungfu Palace, so that allays won't get stuck in them
- 改进功夫殿的盔甲架,使其始终面向大门口 Improved the armor stand in Kungfu Palace, makes it always facing the entrance
- 添加腐肉制作工作台的配方 Added a recipe to allow Zi Min can craft the crafttable without killing animals
- 修复亡灵城堡门塔缺角的问题 Fixed the issue that a tower of the Undead castle misses some piece
添加开局引导,由一只悦灵来讲述玩家和这个世界的故事 Added starter guide, a Allay will tell you about this world.
下界入侵机制更新至v2,入侵怪物的种类和数量会随着时间增加,逐渐从传送门前扩散到全世界,甚至扎营 Updated Nether Invasion to V2. Now the the types and amounts of invaders will increase by time, some will even camp in the Overworld.
将动画模型里的摔落动画删除,以获得更好的多人游戏画面表现 Deleted the falling aniamation for better multiplayer experience.
关闭工具自动重装及其提醒 Turned off some tips of Inventory PRofiles Next
开局配备残损皮革套装Added lether cloak for starter
为烂柯斧等物品添加描述Added description for some weapon and items like the Rotten Axe.
修复平原村庄建筑地毯堵门的问题 Fixed the issue of carpet blocking vilagers in Eugene's Wealthy Plains Village
骷髅头掉落数量固定为1 Fixed the issue of multi skeleton skulls drop
加入了三个赞助者专属彩蛋 Added 3 Sponsor custom Ester Eggs
马哨现在只会召唤最近的马 Limited the number of horse whstile calling to 1.
汉化疲劳值提醒Translated some tips of Sleep Rework to Chinese.
添加可使用旋风斩的石中剑 Added Sword in the Stone which allows player to do Whirlwind attack.
溺尸王拥有新的战斗机制 Added new AI for Boss Blue Demon.
用新的原创武器(关刀、骑枪和匕首)替代了原来的武器模组(感谢Heket) Added new weapons(guan dao, lance and dagger) to replace the old weapon mod.
将绝大部分模组更新至最新 Updated most of the mods.
由于模组兼容问题 删去瓦基里船Removed Valkyrien Skies due to incompatibility.
替换背包模组Switched backpack mod.
添加了一些新的模组Added some new mods
杂项不一一列举 Other discs will not be lists.
本次更新的主要目的是避免侵权,并顺便修复一些容易解决的小问题。 This update is mainly for removing the music not being granted to distribute, and fixing bugs that are easy to fix.
- 修复在主世界的僵尸猪灵身边生成掠夺者的问题 Fixed the issue of pillagers spawniing near zombified piglins in the overworld
- 去除吹马哨导致马匹高亮时的粒子 Removed the particles of the glowing horses after palyers use the horse whistle
- 取消苦力怕的冲刺机制 Canceled creeper's ability to dash
- 修复商人营地的地面坑洞 Fixed the hole near the wandering trader's camp
- 修复白天疲倦时无法入睡的问题 Fixed the issue that players cannot sleep when they are tired in daytime
- 修复了武器模组中pike缺失动画的问题(感谢@白调海克特) Fixed the issue that the pike lacks of animation (credit to @白调海克特)
- 由于发现中世纪风格C418音乐的作者并没有允许其他人使用,因此删除这些音乐以避免版权纠纷。已向乐曲作者道歉并说明情况。 Removed the medieval-style C418 music, because I found out that they are All Rights Reserved. I have apologized to the author.
- 修改了窃贼机制。现在,玩家打开村庄的箱子被村民发现时,村民会大幅度涨高交易价格。如果附近同时还有铁傀儡发现偷窃,玩家将被铁傀儡永久通缉 Modified the Thief mechanic. Now, when players get caught opening chests in the village and the iron golems happen to be nearby, they will never forget or forgive you
- 删去了超重农业模组 Deleted mod Overweight Farming
- 更新了鸣谢名单 Updated the credit list, thank you all!
-稍微修改开局马匹的速度和跳跃能力以达到更好平衡 Slightly modified the speed and jump height of the starter horse for balance
-降低僵尸马和骷髅马生成的几率 Decreased the spawn rate of zombie knights and skeleton archers
-修复营火无法阻止周边怪物生成的问题 Fixed the issue that campfire not preventing hostile mobs spawning nearby
-为睡眠机制添加时间加速和状态效果,加快睡眠疲倦的速度Added timewrap and effects for sleeping, increased the spped of tiring
-减少苦力怕破墙的机会 Decreased the chances of creeper breaching
-修改石质武器配方 Modified the stone weapons recipes
修复下界传送门处生成掠夺者小队中掠夺者没有乘骑劫掠兽的问题Fixed the issue that pillager not riding ravager spawned near a nether portal
修复进入游戏不显示玩家动画的问题Fixed the issue that player animation not working
修复水下的传送门生成下界入侵生物的问题Fixed the issue that mobs spawning near portals underwater
延长下界传送门生成入侵生物的时间间隔Made the interval between portal mobs spawning a bit longer
优化下界入侵生物在主世界的生成Optimized the nether invading mobs spawning
由于严重的卡顿问题,移除了掠夺者船只数据包Deleted the Ships data pack due to the lag issue
故事的开始|Now the story begins.
- 添加下界入侵机制,自然生成的传送门处于激活状态,每隔一段时间会有下界入侵生物被传送到主世界来。 Added Nether Invasion V1. Natural generated portals are activated, invader mobs will appear there frequently.
- 下界入侵生物会散布在主世界各处Nether invader mobs are everywhere in the Ovreworld.
- 玩家需要通过打败凋零、在主世界激活信标来驱逐下界生物,激活之后下界入侵将会停止、 Players need to defeat the Wither and activate the beacon in the Overworld to stop the Nether invasion.
- 添加了新的末影龙战斗阶段 Added a new phase of Ender Dragon boss fight.
- 在功夫殿设置了赞助者悦灵 Added Sponsor Alllays in Kungfu Palace.
- 增删了一些材质包 Added & Removed some texturepacks.
- 增删了一些模组 Added & Removed some mods.
- 修改了众多设置以平衡和优化 Modified tons of configs for balance and performance.
- 杂项不一一列出 Other discs will not be listed.