- 8a621ae - Fix GuiMap render distance overlay init when minimap render dist overlay off
- 8cd04ce - Force XaeroPlus to load before BetterPVP+Minimap+WorldMap
- 8e10130 - Minimap Freecam compatibility
- 0df1e34 - Minimap Freecam compatibility
- 956cf5d - fix crash when installed on a forge server
- cf0a3bc - update ru_ru translation
- ee8cc1d - handle non-vanilla dimensions when portals feature enabled
- b6eb957 - Use waypoint dimension when calculating baritone goal location
- 63db20b - Use waypoint dimension when calculating baritone goal location
- 2132167 - WM1.32.0 MM23.6.1
- 284154e - WM1.32.0 MM23.6.1
- 7326c8c - WM1.32.0 MM23.6.1
- 4cf7806 - Use waypoint dimension when calculating baritone goal location
- fe81ffe - Quilt compatibility
- a5d6338 - allow rotating minimap when max size, square, and transparent background enabled