Improved Performance by swapping the IsWithinBounds check from every Tick to when the Section Changes and filtering it to if a Chunk Changed.
Respawning will now teleport the player to the highest Block from a Random XZ position within the closest valid chunk (if the respawn chunk was not within the bounds)
Changed the Config from True/False from outside valid chunk interactions to Number, this means the amount of blocks can be specified. this was done to allow users to place/break blocks on the edge of their chunk without taking up their chunk's space.
if the chunk its checking is not adjacent to the current chunk the distance will be halved, to account for the diagonal, without that the block reach had to be 2 in order to interact with corner blocks, with it they'll behave as 1 block distance.
Can no longer Gain ChunkXP for the current dimension if the Chunk Restrictions (aka the mod), is turned off.
These are ports of changes made during the development of the NeoForge 1.20.4 Version of the Mod.
Ported / Updated V1.0.3 of the Mod.
Changed how it detects when the Player leaves the Chunk from checking Every Tick, to when an Event is trigged for the Section Changing and Filtering it to if the Chunk Changed. as well as some other triggers like:
- Entity Interaction checking if the player is mounted a tick later.
- Respawn, which now Places the Player into the random XZ inside the closest valid Chunk (if the player respawned in a invalid chunk)
you can also no longer gain ChunkXP while the Chunk Restrictions are disabled. (these changes will be coming to the Forge Version Soon as well)