- Recipes for pool blocks contained some typos
- Poss Ball was made to be non-damageable, the tag was still present in legacy poss balls. This would result in a null exception for newer ones. A migration has been added to retroactively delete the damage tag in existing items. And a catch clause is now added to prevent the NBT from being null in the Thrown Poss Ball class.
- 1: Attempt to fix poss ball server crash
- 2: Another null reference crash found, and would no longer stack
- 3: Poss ball no longer captured
- 4: Fix final server crash... I hope?
- Recipes for pool blocks contained some typos
- Poss Ball was made to be non-damageable, the tag was still present in legacy poss balls. This would result in a null exception for newer ones. A migration has been added to retroactively delete the damage tag in existing items. And a catch clause is now added to prevent the NBT from being null in the Thrown Poss Ball class.
- Lime Variant of the Cyan and Red dimension blocks
- Stair variant of Red, Cyan, and now Lime
- Poss Ball fixed
- Lime, Red, and Cyan now emit light, and no longer have shading.
- Consumption Mending will now consume double the durability.
- Chances to consume and gain a curse increased.
- New compressor machine
- New compressing recipe type
- Compressed Obsidian
- Layered Compressed Obsidian
- LibZontreck
- Stable Singularity and Singularity have been swapped
- Unstable Singularity can now destroy unbreakable blocks.
- Stable Singularity is now used to create bedrock, and with Tetra, Seeping Bedrock