New mobs:ferox deathworm,moon priest,shadow butterfly.
ferox death/iceworm: spawn in desert and snowland,When player touches his hitbox it will become aggressive.
moon priest:spawn in most biomes,It will use the curse skill in battle,and shoot the explodeable moon.
butterfly:Currently only for decoration.
wyvern have new behavior.
earthdrill can weakness by pickaxe.
some values changed.
other forget....
New mobs:forest drake,ice fairy guardian.
forest drake:a Neutral mob,spawn in forest,feed gold melon can get his egg(useless now).
ice fairy guardian:Upgraded Ice Fairy,you can feed it snow blocks to make it grow become a Guardian.
add description for some item(because brew recipe cannot display).
new items:ebonlord armors and items,magmashell shield.
change some mobs damage type.
new mobs:Terradragon,Icefairy,Cavehunter,hypocritical saint.
(very heavy)Terradragon:rare spawn in nether waste,neutral mob.
(environment)Icefairy:Just decoration.
(mob)Cavehunter:spawn in lower level,Aggressive and extremely fast.
(boss)hypocritical saint:Not available now.
if player in high place,inferno will try to counter attack.
fix some recipe.
Other information will be completed later...
Most mobs loot tables have been updated, you can get more items now.
most items in the mod are now obtainable.
New uses have been added for many items in the mod.
Cooked diplocaulus meat outliers fixed.
new mob: basalt wyvern
spawn in badlands and basalt biome.
can shoot explode projectile.
new item: the ebonlord sword
- The ultimate weapon in this mod,recipe is very complex and the items are difficult to obtain.
New mob:riptooth and diplocaulus.
- spawn in river and swamp.
- a breedable creature,can use fish to breed.
- drop his leather and meat.
- a deadly shark.
- spawn in all ocean.
- It will bite the target tightly when attacking.
- very deadly and danger.
other change:
- use sneak+right-click can command flamehorn sitting or follow you.
- add new item about new mobs.
- Fixed some bugs.
- snailacid block will remove self now.
- flamehorn eat hay block now.
- inferno have new texture.
- bettle great sword can craft now, and new texture.
- change some value.
- Added mob kill achievement.
- Added unique item for heavymobs(No functionality currently).
- inferno can shoot projectiles now.
new mob: Regalhart (heavy)
- a huge deer.
- spawn in forest taiga...etc.
- When its HP drops to a certain threshold, it will activate its special ability.
- Use ability only once.