constellation data is now saved in the respective world folder when on a singleplayer world (see pr here)
hopefully fixed incompatibility with Bank Storage unless i messed up
- Added 26% more comets
- Part of planet rendering is now only done every 8 ticks instead of every tick
updated to 1.20, probably broke compatibility with Spyglass Improvements again
- spyglass mode is now only reset when you stop holding a spyglass
- stopping a zoom when at a low zoom is now smooth
prompt now only shows up when an object is selected- text is now colourful !
- planets and stars have slightly tweaked colours, they should remain roughly the same as in last version
commands have been reorganised- more command feedback
- adding a shared constellation is now smarter
- changing starcount is now less destructive to existing constellations
New Commands:
/sga:admin constellations generate
to automatically generate constellations based on the star seed/sga:admin seed star|planet query|reset|set
to query and reset the seeds for stars and planets/sga:admin constellations remove all
to remove all constellations
- orbital ascension is now correct
- fixed crash with mod "Spyglass Improvements"
- various edge cases with commands