Major patch
The vassalage system has been completely overhauled. Lords now rule Houses, and knights rule Domains.
A new class has been added - Serf.
The castle system has been reworked. Copper, iron, and gold locks have been added.
A lockpick has been added.
A new block has been added - Royal Table.
A writing set has been added.
A new block has been added - Safe.
The Heart of the House has been added.
A new block has been added - Incubator.
A new block has been added - Private Shop.
Record fragments have been added.
Some interfaces have been redesigned.
The number of available coins is now displayed in trade blocks.
A shepherd profession coin has been added.
New achievements have been introduced.
Daily login rewards have been revised.
Some progressions have been reworked.
Wallet mechanics have been improved, with a maximum limit of 64 coins per type.
Bugs have been fixed, and new, fun ones have been added.
Patch notes:
New main license - Cowboy.
New additional license - Hunter.
Recalculation of monetary denominations. Now 1 coin costs 16 coins of the lower denomination.
The market has been expanded by +17 slots.
Added the ability to craft a collection point, a junk dealer and a market. These blocks can only be placed within the capital.
Reworked interfaces of the collection point, market and fund.
Added a system for calculating the price of goods when buying / selling on the market. _Now the price of a product depends on its quantity on the market: the more goods, the cheaper it is (up to -50%).
Added a wallet.
Added honey concentrate.
Introduced a system for losing license levels - upon death, there is a chance to lose 1 level of the main or additional license (chance = license level * 10).
Added a system for copying flags. To do this, throw out the flag from the main hand, holding the flag template in the spare (left) hand.
Reworked license progressions.
• New reward system for daily login.
• New block Hoarder - converts any 64 units of one type into a copper coin.
• Balancing prices in the market. Complete revision of the pricing policy of ore and food.
• Added the ability of the blacksmith - repairing tools on the grindstone for experience.
• Added the progression of the fisherman and soldier, updated the progression of the woodcutter.
• Expanding the capacity of the market for many goods.
• Reworking the system of chopping a whole tree.
• Now only farmers can collect berries.
• Reworked crafting coins of professions.
• Fixed errors with the purchase of goods on the market, the inability to leave the kingdom, non-stackable items and others.