Numismatics 1.0.5:
- Bank terminals properly check authorization now
- Creative Vendor breakable in survival
- Numismatics blocks being explodable
- Vendor Menu cannot be opened when an item is in the offhand (#65)
- Fix coins stacked above 127 visually disappearing on the client in vendors (#72)
- Fix running pay, deduct and view commands on a non-existent blaze banker throwing exceptions (#63)
Version 1.0.3:
- Russian translation - Thanks VladisCrafter!
- Empty blaze burners no longer become blaze bankers
- Being able to power redstone behind depositors by powering the depositor with a repeater
- Depositors taking money held in hand even when you have Insufficient funds
- Funnel/Chute vendor restocking not working on forge
- Translatability of coin names/values