New Command: /ftw reset
Instantly resets weapon abilities for players.
Weapon Buff Configuration:
Added config files for all weapon buffs, giving you control over every aspect of a weapon’s power.
Hammer Name Colors:
Added unique colors to hammer names for better distinction and visual appeal.
Obsidian Hammer Buffed:
Significantly increased the power and effectiveness of the Obsidian Hammer.
New Hammers Added
Classic Hammer A timeless tool of power, capable of shattering foes and stone alike
Earthly Hammer Forged from the heart of the earth
- Ability: Deals heavy knockback and AOE damage to mobs within a 10-block radius
Obsidian Hammer Dark as the void and unyielding as the hardest stone
- Ability: Summon a huge meteor strike from the end dealing heavy damage within a 10-block radius
Rose Gold Hammer A delicate yet potent masterpiece
- Ability: Releases a wave of rose petals that heals nearby allies and applies a regeneration effect for 5 seconds.
Textures and Particles
- Added custom Rose Petal Particle Texture for the Rose Gold Hammer’s Petal Burst ability.