- Added tag to create:crushed_raw_platinum, fixes (#25)
- Added recipes to change Create: Molten Metals fluid amounts. They now match the fabric version, using 111mb as the standard instead of 144mb. Original recipes will need to be manually removed.
- Compatibility for Caverns & Chasms. (#26
- Added fabric content (items/fluids/recipes) for use with Sinytra Connector. (#28)
- Currently, there aren't Create: Metallurgy dirty dusts & dusts for fabric content.
- Fluids & items are now conditionally registered. Like the Fabric version, only items & fluids for the mods you are using will be registered. Existing versions will be deleted. For example, with Create: Big Cannons installed, createmetalwork:molten_bronze will no longer exist and all recipes that use molten bronze will use createbigcannons:molten_bronze. Also eliminates overlap with other mods that add molten metals.
Create: Metallurgy:
- New fluids & items.
- All molten from mixing, melting, and compacting recipes are replaced with melting, alloying, and casting recipes.
- Standard ingot amount changed 111mB -> 90mB.
- New milling/crushing recipes to get dirty dusts & new splashing recipes to wash them into regular dusts.
- Tags added to all crushed raw ores lets you melt them. Allows for a more simple process, with the drawback of lower yields.
Create: The Factory Must Grow:
- New fluids & items.
- Non-alloy molten from mixing recipes are changed to industrial blasting recipes.
- Ingot from molten compacting recipes are changed to casting recipes.
- When combined, TFMGs casting recipes are removed in favor of the casting recipes from Create: Metallurgy. The fluid amount received from industrial blasting is also adjusted.
1.0.7 - Fix
- Fix Create: Big Cannons recipes.
- Fix Industrial Revolution fluid compatibility & recipes (#17).
- Fix Create: Big Cannons fluid compatibility.
- Recipes now use FluidTags for better compatibility.
- New mod compatibility:
- Create: Big Cannons
- Galosphere
- Oreganized
- Expanded mod compatibility:
- Create: Dreams & Desires
- Fix Molten Andesite Alloy recipe.
- Fix (#16)
- Changes to how fluids & items are registered.
- Expanded mod compatibility:
- Industrial Revolution
- Fix Molten Enderium Bucket.
- Fix (#15)
- Fix (#14)
- Content for Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty (Enderium)
- Fix for molten andesite alloy & brass recipes (#11)
- Compatibility for Create: Dreams & Desires
- Fix crash #10