- Fix issue with oxidation sometimes swapping states incorrectly, this causes the golem to sometimes appear at the last stage but is not really so the AI will not disable.
- Fix sometimes not tracking to new buttons to press.
- Fix allowing multiple uses of honeycomb on golems once waxed.
- Add goal to escape water as they previously used to just float.
- Optimise assets (thanks to K0RR)
- Added copper buttons, waxed and unwaxed and all oxidize variants! Copper buttons also oxidise 👀 and have different signal and breaking strengths depending on oxidize stage.
- Head rotation animation speed increased. Body roll animation added for when moving.
- Increased rate of oxidation, so it's more similar to copper blocks.
- Copper golems now do not count towards Creature mob cap anymore and are considered Misc mob with no cap.
- Added swim and escape from danger goals, as golems are passive they will not attack and just run away.
- Fixed resuming AI when getting to last oxidation stage and then deoxidising (restarting world/server will resume their AI if stuck).
- Fixed not decrementing item stack when using up honeycomb and copper ingot on mob, as well as axe usage when deoxidizing.
- Rod wiggling now should stop instead of going forever (restarting the world/server will stop the wiggling).
- Hitbox height has increased to match the height of the golem excluding the rod.
- Updated particle effects to be consistent with the rest of the mob effects.
- Russian translations added (thank you Felix14-v2).