ChemicalCraft 2.9.3
on Feb 17, 2025Added nuclear cell, nuclear battery and heavy water. Changed flask crafts.
ChemicalCraft 2.9.2
on Feb 12, 2025Added aluminium tools, galenite, native copper, silver, gold and avialuminium.
ChemicalCraft 2.9.1
on Jan 25, 2025Added bauxite recycler, anthacite and magnetic ingot.
ChemicalCraft 2.9
on Jan 10, 2025Added improved elecircuit, hand saw and antiradiation door
ChemicalCraft 2.8.5
on Jan 1, 2025Сhanged ingots textures and crafts
ChemicalCraft 2.8.4
on Nov 23, 2024Added copper and bronze tiles, bauxite bricks, altered textures.
ChemicalCraft 2.8.3
on Nov 8, 2024Added red sludge block, bricks and freezer. Сhanged craft of aluminum.
ChemicalCraft 2.8.2
on Nov 2, 2024Added bauxite, alumina and new craft aluminum ingot.
ChemicalCraft 2.8.1
on Oct 18, 2024Add dark, regular and white chocolate, kaoline, fireclay and fireclay bricks.
ChemicalCraft 2.8
on Sep 28, 2024Added petroleum distillation, an antiradiation suit and changed the sulfur texture.
ChemicalCraft 2.7.4
on Sep 14, 2024Added compressor, polystyrene door, polystyrene beaker.
ChemicalCraft 2.7.3
on Sep 3, 2024Added duralumin, beams, catwalk and railings made of it and antiradiation composite
ChemicalCraft 2.7.2
on Aug 27, 2024Added chalk, chalk stalactite and stalagmite
ChemicalCraft 2.7.1
on Aug 23, 2024Added caoutchouc and rubber
ChemicalCraft 2.7
on Aug 15, 2024Added neptunium, plutonium, americium and unprocessed radioactive waste
ChemicalCraft 2.6
on Aug 10, 2024Added nuclear blueprint and nuclear reactor
ChemicalCraft 2.5
on Aug 2, 2024Added processor, keyboard, pixel and display
ChemicalCraft 2.4
on Jul 28, 2024Improved atomic and thermonuclear bomb timer, added incandescent lamp, silver, amalgam
ChemicalCraft 2.3
on Jul 22, 2024Added lead ore, lead, quartz shard, elecircuit and thermonuclear bomb
ChemicalCraft 2.2.2
on Jul 19, 2024Added enriched uranium, uranium ore, copper wire and diamond drill