ArPhEx update 2.3.3
Spider Brood now acts more like the Widow, avoiding you while it attacks from a distance. Slightly buffed health too.
Significantly improved the upcoming Chaos Gauntlet, but it is still not ready and lacks its own design.
Previous major updates from the last few days:
Bucket of locusts added. You can feed buckets of locusts to spider Goliaths, and spiderflat/spiderjump pets will now also eat individual locusts you feed them. Buckets of locusts could be used for biological warfare, destroying your enemies’ farms.
Spawn biomes refined. Silverfish spectres and sky stalking moth variant now biome-limited like all other mobs.
Sun scorpions and centipede stalkers can no longer appear in dungeon spawners (too powerful).
Added upcoming Chaos Gauntlet item - You can try it out now! Gives you the power to force one mob to target another mob for a set period of time. Affects stronger mobs less.
Various other small improvements on top of yesterday’s enormous update:
Another major update, adding tons of improvements that I’ve been wanting to implement for a while:
At long last, I have implemented a spawnrate config control for all non-boss mobs, including minibosses! (stalker bosses already have one) Now you can set them all to spawn up to sixteen times more frequently than before, or go in the other direction to make them as rare as you want. Additionally, they are all twice as common now by default!
New difficulty config option added that affects ALL living mobs from this mod, including the bosses, minibosses, and regular arthropods. Default option 0 stays as it is now, -1 gives them all a permanent weakness effect, or +1 gives them all a permanent strength effect. Ranged attacks will be affected too. Higher positive or negative values increase the level of strength or weakness. No more complaints about difficulty needed!
Tameable “Spider Jump” jumping spiders added! Intelligent friendly spiders, tameable and storable in the same way as the Spider Flat. As expected, they jump while attacking opponents, disorienting them. They can jump off the ground, or jump off walls.
New “Fly Fester” mobs added - regular flies (bluebottles) that simply fly around chaotically, occasionally landing. They can spawn naturally or maggots can turn into them randomly. Like maggots, they give poison on contact. 50% chance to completely dodge any attack.
Major improvements to the Spider Moth fight - Added additional flying mode to the Spider Moth, where it hovers in the air above, waiting to strike at any moment. This actually gives you a period of respite to regenerate health, but the larvae and ghosts will still pose a problem. Fixed small animation issues with the main fly/run animations.
Also improved the Scorpioid Bloodluster fight, giving it a new ability to keep away at a close distance to use ranged attacks for short periods of time. Additionally, it should now crawl through walls more reliably.
Spider Prowler can now spawn in lush caves in addition to jungles. If it can’t see the sky on spawn, it will jump up and cling onto the ceiling! Jumps down if you come near. Spider Prowler will now trigger if you get too close when it’s in a defensive posture.
You can now fly unlimited distances by holding the Ascendant Staff in one hand and the Ethereal Staff in the other.
Spider Widow can now attack villagers, and leaves cocoons around as another variation of the giant webs. Killing a giant web/cocoon now spawns a bunch of larvae. Significantly improved the web mechanics, e.g. spiders no longer affected.
Started work on the third (end) dweller boss (whip scorpion dragonfly hybrid), producing a “Force Gauntlet” item that will be obtainable, crafted with a “Void Geode”. You can try it out now! It gives you telekinetic powers, inspired by Star Wars and demon/poltergeist characters with similar abilities. Simply look at any living entity or item and hold right click with it to pick them up and control them. If you crouch while holding them, it pulls them towards you. Hit a block to create a repulsion shockwave, pushing all nearby entities back - again, the more max health the entity has, the less it pushes them. The ultimate tool for transporting mobs… or throwing them into orbit! The other void-geode-based item may give you the ability to literally force mobs to fight for you, turning them on each other. Enemies become friends. With the Force Gauntlet, the more max health the entity has, the less time you will be able to control them in one go before having to cooldown (unless you’re in creative mode). With the other item, the more max health the entity has, the less time it will be forced to fight for you.
Fixed issue with Spider Prowler animation flickering while posturing aggressively. Improved animations/texture further.
Ethereal Staff melee ability nerfed. Now only knocks mobs down into the ground if they have less than 100 max health.
Locusts now give you the hunger effect if you’re nearby, and should now be significantly less likely to cause lag thanks to other improvements.
Fixed issue with Spider Brood leg texture
Fixed rare issue where flamethrowers could activate spontaneously.
Fixed outdated item descriptions.
Many more improvements.
Changed the flamethrower functions, switching out the animations for more server compatibility.
New addition: Block of Abyssal Crystal. Gives you Strength 2 when standing nearby.
Buffed the mining speed of the Abyssal Pickaxe
Added attack animation for LongLegsFly
If widow spider projectile attack deals no damage, it will no longer give the webbed effect. This prevents the widow from continuously targeting with projectiles if you are immune to projectiles (blocking or otherwise). Fixed small issue with the missing legs low health texture.
Opal block tag updated
A major 2.0 version update for the mod, finally introducing another main stalker boss!
MAJOR UPDATE INTRODUCES A WHOLE NEW “DWELLER” BOSS - SCORPIOID BLOODLUSTER - A NETHER-EXCLUSIVE SCORPION-MOSQUITO HYBRID (Spider Moth is now overworld-exclusive, and the final upcoming boss will be end-exclusive)\
…It is extremely formidable - comparable to the Spider Moth!
Countless other changes and improvements.
Like the Spider Moth, this new demonic entity aims for maximum creepiness, using a wide range of mechanics to terrorise you until you run away back to the overworld. It can traverse through walls like the Spider Moth, but doesn’t even need minions to do so. It slowly crawls through the wall. It flies by default, unlike the Spider Moth, but can also crawl on the ground. When stalking you, it can suddenly teleport nearer.
Since overworld weather timing is preserved while in the nether, I used them to control the spawning of this new entity. It can spawn in any vanilla nether biome during rain and thunderstorm cycles.
The Spider Moth screen flash is no longer global for the server, so it will only show to nearby players. Scorpioid has its own too, working the same way.
New “Fire Opal” item drops from the scorpioid on death, used to craft three new items: “Ascendant Staff”, “Ethereal Staff”, and “Block of Fire Opal”. Ascendant Staff provides levitation abilities and attacks, Ethereal Staff enables walking through walls and suffocating enemies in the ground, and Block of Fire Opal gives you saturation when near to it, meaning you won’t need to eat. Sun Scorpions can rarely drop an Fire Opal Shard on death. Four of these craft into a full Fire Opal.
Significant balance changes
Sun Scorpion has revamped walking animation and major texture improvements. Larvae versions now match with the variant of the nearest full size Sun Scorpion. Centipede Stalker has faster walking animations.
Centipede Stalkers and Sun Scorpions buffed substantially (plus both are now larger in size), and both drop a new “Venomous Appendage” item required for crafting the “Dagger of Dissolution”. Sun Scorpions are rarer now, and give the necrosis effect on hit.
Fixed an issue where the “pure_stalking” and “rush_scare” entities can spawn in any dimensions/biomes, now limited to overworld.
Both the Venomous Appendage and Necrotic Fang items can now be used to brew potions of necrosis. All forms of the potion are possible now, along with arrows of necrosis.
Hornet Harbinger Giant significantly buffed.
Spider Goliath has a slightly longer attack range now.
Block of Mangled Scorpion Flesh added, crafted with four venomous appendages. Summoning structure added for Scorpioid. The same as the Spider Moth one, but use the mangled scorpion flesh block instead of spider flesh.
Many more improvements.