backport to 1.19.x
first release of Timo supporting 1.19.x since Timo 1.0
Differences to 1.20:
- archeology loot tables do not exist
- the cherry village does not exist
- bamboo and cherry woodcutting does not exist
- the biome timo:cherry_forest does not exist
- fancy oak trees out of diamond and netherite blocks do not exist
- all smithing recipes do not exist
- a few spawn-egg recipes do not exist
-added dimensions with only a single biome for these biomes:
- Badlands
- Basalt Deltas
- Cherry Grove
- Deep Forzen Ocean
- Deep Lukewarm Ocean
- Flower Forest
- Mushroom Fields
- Soul Sand Valley
- Swamp
- Warm Ocean
-these Dimensions can be accesed by:
/execute in timo:single_biome/"biome"
/function timo:dimension_"biome"
or using Portals (only with Datapack Portals):
- Badlands: Brown Terracotta
- Basalt Deltas: Basalt
- Cherry Grove: Cherry Leaves
- Deep Forzen Ocean: Blue Ice
- Deep Lukewarm Ocean: Light Blue Concrete
- Flower Forest: Oak Leaves
- Mushroom Fields: Red/Brown Mushroom Block
- Soul Sand Valley: Soul Sand
- Swamp: Slime Block
- Warm Ocean: any living Coral Block
-renamed some templates of the cherry village
Only 1.21.4 (24w44a)
-added Pale Oak to the Woodcutter
-fixed many bugs in older Minecraft versions
-some advancement bugs still exist
-some loot-table bugs still exist
-added a custom dimension wich can be accessed by using one of these options:
/function timo:dimension_rich
/execute in timo:rich run tp @s ~ ~ ~
-in this dimesion trees out of Netherite and Diamond Blocks generate
-the only flowers are the Pitcher Plant and the Torchflower
-when using Datapack Portals you can build a portal (like a Nether Portal) out of Netherite Blocks to acces this dimension
-added a short message wich is showed when adding timo
-improved the rewards of the advancement INF 20100227-1433
Since 1.21:
-when completing INF 20100227-1433 you obtain a Overpowered Apple
-the Overpowered Apple can also be obtained through /function timo:items/overpowered_apple
-it is the best food