Minecraft: Java Edition
Data Pack
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Make Statue with mob head.
This datapack need All Mob Head (by MLDEG)
How it works:
- Place any slab on top or bottom position
- Place Armor Stand on it
- Right clic on Armor Stand with any head (vanilla or All Mob Head by MLDEG)
- For kill the statue break the slab
Current Features:
- Open/Close Shulker: Drop 1, 2 or 3 shulker shell on it
- Resize Slime: Drop 1, 2 ,3..6 slimeball
- Resize Magma Cube: Drop 1, 2 ,3..6 magma cream
- Sit/Stande Wolf: Drop bone for sitting and stick for stand
- Sit/Stande Cat: Drop cod for sitting and stick for stand
- Baby mob: Drop egg and clock for adults return
- Villager Grade: Drop brick for Tier1, iron for Tier2, gold for Tier3, emerald for Tier4, diamond for Tier5
- Saddle: Drop saddle for saddle XD, tripwire_hook for remove saddle
- Horse Armor: Drop horse armor for horse armor (all work leather dyes too), leather for remove armor
- Horse Armor: Drop horse armor for horse armor (all work leather dyes too), leather for remove armor
- Wolf Arrmor: Drop wolf armor for wolf armor, armadillo_scute for remove armor
- Llama carpet: Drop carpet on llama or trader llama, shears for remove carpet
- Statue Wand: If you hold the wand, the closest statue will follow you. Craft with stick and head