Added new gun type: Revolvers
Renamed .44 Magnum to Smith and Wesson Model 29
Changed .44 Magnum stats (14 dmg, 22 range)
Improved .44 Magnum model
Added Colt Python
Added new gun type: SMG
Replaced the Austeyr EF88 with the P90
The P90 has the same stats as the Austeyr EF88
The Thompson Machine Gun and MP5 are the Tier 1 and Tier 2 SMGs
SMGs use pistol ammunition
Nerfed Pistol Line
Damage of the pistols has been reduced to 9, 13, 19
Buffed Assault Rifle Line
Damage of the Assault Rifles has been increased to 5, 7, 9
Buffed SMG Line
Damage of the SMGs has been increased to 3, 5, 7
Nerfed Pistol and AR magazine crafting recipes
Reduced amount of items given per craft to 3
Added Gun Type: Grenade Launcher
Added the Grenade Launcher gun type
The guns in this set are the M79, Gl06, and Milkor MGL
Updated Glock 17 and Desert Eagle models
The models for the Glock 17 and Desert Eagle guns
The stats remain unchanged
Added Luger P08 Pistol
The new Tier 1 pistol, replaces the .44 Magnum
.44 Magnum will remain in the pistol tier for the time being
Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4
Datapack now works on the latest version of Minecraft
Rewrote all Guns
All Modern Guns, namely the Tier 2 and Tier 3 guns, have recived massive buffs
To counteract this, the Tier 2 and Tier 3 guns are much, much more expensive
All guns of the same type also use the same ammo now; no need to juggle 10 different ammo types
Updated guns to use new GBG format
All Modern Guns now have the benefits of GBG V1.24
Notably, gun aiming and extended stats
Updated sounds
The M4 Carbine, FN Scar, Beretta 486, Desert Eagle, and AK47 all have new sounds
Removed M134 Minigun and RPG-7
They will come back new and improved in the next major update!
(not to mention the other 8 new guns)
(don't look in the files)
Buffed ammo crafting recipes
All ammo recipes now award more ammo items per recipe
Added zoom recoil reduction
Now, aiming will reduce the recoil of the current gun Also adjusted the base recoil values of most guns
Tweaked most gun stats
The changes are too numerous to list here Most changes involve increases to various stats
Fixed missing Austeyr EF88 and M134 Minigun in give_all function
When the /function give:all_modern_guns function was ran, it wouldn't give those two guns
Fixed missing PG 7V Rocket give function
It didn't exist
Fixed misspelled M4 Carbine name
The name had an extra A
Added give all modern guns and give all modern ammo commands
Makes it easier to quickly get yourself all of the cool stuff
Switched .44 Magnum to bullet reload type
Now uses the new bullets reload type Also changed recipe of .44 Magnum Rounds to fit the new reload type
Fixed same, small aim zoom bug
All guns had the same, small zoom value when aiming
Tweaked and balanced all gun stats
Balanced all of the guns around each other Also modified item recipes to compensate for the new stat changes Guns have item name colors to denote rough categories
Added Austeyr EF88 and M134 Minigun
The Austeyr EF88 is a full auto tier 3 gun The M134 Minigun is essentially a reskin of the GBG minigun
Updated to Minecraft 1.20.6
Datapack now works on the latest version of Minecraft
Updated pack.png
Now uses the old resource pack pack.png
Added 5 new guns
Winchester Model 70, .44 Magnum, Beretta 486, FN Scar, and RPG-7 The RPG-7 is a reskin of the normal GBG Bazooka, to better fit the style of Modern Guns
Modified gun ammo system
Some guns now use the same ammo, similarly to the shotguns 11mm Mags -> Glock 17 & Desert Eagle 12 Guage Shells -> Beretta 486, Remington 870, & Spas 12 .308 Caliber Mags -> Winchester Model 70 & M1A 5.56 Mags -> M4 Carabine & FN Scar
Gun recipes can now use all wood/log types
Any gun that needed logs in the recipe can now use any type of wood