- Added ability to turn off breaking blocks (/function thepa:utilities/break_blocks)
- Fixed mainhand spray patterns recoil option being too accurate, added bloom unless in offhand
- Optimized scoreboard initialization
- Rebalanced TTK on many weapons, balancing them
- Drastically improved hit detection and headshot detection
- Fixed headshot sound bug when entity is killed
- Fixed headshot sound bug when entity being shot is a player
- Added more mob hit detection
Fixed shooting yourself bug (after 2 years), Fixed kill credit system occasionally resetting UUID, Patched Occasional multiplayer loud noise reload bug, Readded turret functionality, Added tag to allow for infinite reload without ammo,
/tag @s add inf_reload
Sped up game tps marginally! Fixed infinate ammo and magazine size glitch
Patched Reload error in V5.7.0