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Furfsky Reborn Mayor Minery 1.8
New Textures
Mining :
- Aquamarine Gemstones
- Amber Necklace
- Amethyst Gauntlet
- Chisels
- Citrine Gemstones
- Claw Fossil
- Clubbed Fossil
- Divan Powder Coating
- Divan's Pendant
- Dwarven Handwarmers
- Dwarven O's Block Bran
- Dwarven O's Gemstone Grahams
- Dwarven O's Metallic Minis
- Dwarven O's Ore Oats
- Footprint Fossil
- Frigid Husk
- Glacite
- Glacite Amalgamation
- Gleaming Crystal
- Glossy Gemstone
- Jade Belt
- Mithril Equipments
- Onyx Gemstones
- Perfect Plate
- Peridot Gemstones
- Pocket Iceberg
- Precursor Apparatus
- Refined Umber
- Refined Tungsten
- Relic of Power
- Rusty Titanium Pickaxe
- Royal Compass
- Sapphire Cloak
- Secret Railroad Pass
- Shattered Locket
- Skeleton Key
- Spine Fossil
- Suspicious Scrap
- Titanium Equipments
- Titanium Minecart
- Titanium Tesseract
- Tungsten
- Tungsten Key
- Tungsten Plate
- Ugly Fossil
- Umber
- Umber Key
- Umber Plate
- Webbed Fossil
- Yusk Fossil
Weapons :
- Starred Daedalus Axe
- Starred Glacial Scythe
- Starred Ice Spray Wand
- Starred Yeti Sword
- Artifact of Coins
- Dwarven Metal Talisman
- Emerald Artifact
- Ganache Chocolate Slab
- General's Medaillon
- Glossy Mineral Talisman
- Haste Artifact
- Intimidation Relic
- Magic 8 Ball
- Nibble Chocolate Stick
- Prestige Chocolate Realm
- Relic of Coins
- Relic of Power
- Rich Chocolate Chunk
- Rift Prism
- Ring of Coins
- Scavenger Artifact
- Scavenger Ring
- Smooth Chocolate Bar
Other items :
- Avaricious Chalice
- Bottle of Jyrre
- Blazen Sphere
- Blood-Soaked Coins
- Blood-Stained Coins
- Brown Bandana
- Crown of Avarice
- Cruxmotion
- Dark Cacao Truffle
- Dwarven Treasure
- Dyes (some)
- Fine Flour
- Freshly-Minted Coins
- Frosty Crux
- Golden Bounty
- Golden Fragment
- Goldor Armor
- Giant Fishing Rod
- Holy Ice
- Maxor Armor
- Necron Armor
- Necron Ladder
- Party Hat
- Polished Topaz Rod
- Refined Bottle of Jyrre
- Refined Dark Cacao Truffle
- Scribe Crux
- Shadow Crux
- Shy Crux
- Sirius' Personal Phone Number
- Slimy Rune
- Soultwist Rune
- Splatter Crux
- Storm Armor
- Supreme Chocolate Bar
- Volt Crux
- Winter Fragment
- Wither Armor
- Zorro's Cape
Miscelaenous :
- Models for deployable Orbs
- Time Pocket (ui)
- Ultimate rarity filter (ui)
Changed Textures
- Amber Gemstones
- Amethyst Gemstones
- Bandaged Mithril Pickaxe
- Bejeweled Handle
- Divan Alloy
- Divan Fragment
- Drills
- Fractured Mithril Pickaxe
- Golden Plate
- Glacite Jewel
- Helix Fossil
- HotM Perks (ui)
- Jade Gemstones
- Jasper Gemstones
- Mithril
- Mithril Pickaxe
- Mithril Plate
- Refined Mithril
- Refined Mithril Pickaxe
- Refined Titanium
- Refined Titanium Pickaxe
- Ruby Gemstones
- Sapphire Gemstones
- Titanium
- Titanium Pickaxe
- Titanium Plate
- Topaz Gemstones
- Tribal Spear
- Giant Sword
- Midas Staff and Midas Sword | Fragged and not Fragged | Gilded and not Gilded
- Sword of Revelations
- Thick Sword of Revelations
- Yeti Sword
- Auto Recombobulator
Other Items:
- Golden Gift
- Green Gift
- Mana Flux Power Orb
- Overflux Power Orb
- Plasma Flux Power Orb
- Radiant Power Orb
- Recombobulator
- Red Gift
- Runes
- White Gift
- Added the missing floating heads (arachne fang/arachne fragment/ascension rope/beating heart/claw fossil/compact ooze/diamond atom/dwarven grahams/flaming fist/hallowed skull/hot kuudra key/kuudra key/luxurious spool/magma urchin/midas jewel/molten cube/optical lens/premium flesh/rekindled ember fragment/revive stone/rough jasper gemstone/yoggie)
- Ditto Blob
- Fixed "empty" Gemstone Gauntlet
- Fixed Pet Mining Exp Boost 30% (uncommon)
- Added item textures to the forge menu (for tools / gear / other)
- Added Floor and Dungeon Type textures in the Party Finder menu
- Added Floor textures in the Croesus menu
- Added the new salvage filters
- Fixed Catacombs Profile menu
- Fixed Catacomb xp Pet Rule
- Fixed Dragon Armors not rendering in the Altar Guide
- Fixed Experience Bottles not rendering in /hex
- Fixed Odger's menu Trophy Fishs
- Fixed Pet Rules icons not showing in the main menu
- Added Bone Reaver / Felthorn Reaper as big_sword
- A few splash texts
- Midas Sword and Staff Regex for the NEU Item list (and starred versions)
- Rescalled the big_sword model
- Rescalled the drill model
- UI models on the progression bars (HotM - Museum - Crops Upgrades - Garden Levels - Collections - Skills - Bestiary - Skyblock Level)
§a§lFurf§b§lSky §6§lReborn §8§ MiB) Primary
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
1.8Game versions
31558Publication date
January 13, 2025 at 5:50 PMPublisher
