Minecraft: Java Edition
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Just some housekeeping
None of the retextures are here. I want to release all of those (alongside any remodels) all at once, so that will take a while. It'd look strange if I didn't.
Incomplete forms produced via mobs being below the health threshold will now have their owners properly marked now.
Added recipes to create the Nidus Accumulator from Altered Tendons or Toxic Lungs, instead of Dispatcher Membranes.
- For that matter, Dispatcher Membranes can be used as a substitute for Beckon Membranes when crafting the Beckon Harbringer. Go figure.
The Macabre Pearl now also shows what parasites are yours when held, alongside the Factory. Additionally, Loyal parasites will have the witch potion particle effect when either item is held.
Light Block breaking behavior for parasites now ignores all infected blocks from this mod, rather than just light sources. It might have already done that, but better safe than sorry.
Removed a since-deleted lang entry from the tooltip for the Bloody Clock.
Using the Macabre Pearl on a Factory will cause any parasites it creates to be Loyal, as if the pearl was used on them.
- Also touched up the on-use messages a bit. They now imply the new factory capability that the item has, as well as that it does nothing of value for other Deterrent parasites.
Factories are now forced as Factory-Spawned internally. Just figured that made sense.
Added a bit of dialogue for trying to use a Macabre Pearl on a Latch. That would be pointless.
New Item: Blighted Mirror
- Shows Beckons and Dispatchers in a similar vain to the Glowing effect while held. Works in the offhand as well.
- This may look strange if Shaders are enabled, but the mobs should still be visible through blocks.
- There's also a new mixin for the Entity Culling mod, since that doesn't check for glowing.
- Specifically NOT the one made by meldexun. That one should already work. There may be a warning about a class not existing now but that's harmless
- There's also a new mixin for the Entity Culling mod, since that doesn't check for glowing.
- Obtained by trading a Strange Bone with a Factory. Requires Tier 3.
New Item: The Pact (Resolute)
- For those of you who didn't know, The Pact can be used while sneaking to prevent the consumption of the item and the ensuing Evolution Cooldown.
- However, this can be annoying and the item could be used without sneaking accidentally. That and people might not have known this.
- Crafting The Pact with a Dispatcher Membrane will produce a "Resolute" version that will never be consumed, or create a cooldown.
- As a caveat, however, it will also not create a Scent Gland, much like when sneaking with the original Pact.
- This makes it more of a utility item than a means to an end.
- For those of you who didn't know, The Pact can be used while sneaking to prevent the consumption of the item and the ensuing Evolution Cooldown.
The Pact now must actually remove parasites in order for it to receive the 10 second cooldown. If it doesn't, it'll only be 1 second long.
- This is NOT the Evolution Cooldown. This is the standard Minecraft item cooldown. Just so we're clear.
Fixed Monarchs not yielding parasite parts when salvaging with a Factory.
Fixed Fear Panic behavior affecting non-parasites. Very embarassing, I'd hate to be the guy that did that
Parasite Players will have their particles from the Rage effect rendered at knee level to prevent blocking their view.
Additionally, Parasite Players will not have their particles render if they are hiding. This prevents the Rage effect from giving you away.
On top of this, your particles won't even render in First Person anymore! They will only render in Third Person now. This is configurable.
Most of these changes are both client side and only apply to you. Any other parasite players you see will have the particles render normally, aside from the hiding change.
Granted, it appears the particles don't appear more often than not for other entities anyway. Not sure why that is, it happened even before I messed with the code. Oh well.
Config Changes
Client - Macabre Pearl: Show Loyal Parasites - Whether a Loyal (Macabre Pearl) parasite will emit particles when you are holding a Factory or Macabre Pearl.
Client - Show Factory Spawned Parasites - Now mentions the Macabre Pearl as well.
Client - Parasite Player Rage Particles - Whether Parasite Players can see their own Rage particles. If false, takes precedence over the 'Third Person Rage Particles' setting.
Client - Third Person Rage Particles - Whether you can see your own Rage particles while in Third Person mode only.
Release channel
BetaVersion number
Game versions
5382Publication date
September 27, 2024 at 2:50 AMPublisher
Developer and "Artist"