Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
- Update to Mixin 0.7.10. (commit 8112977a24a6d9adf9fa24f16bb104417f8dda05)
- Fix some unloaded chunks being kept in memory. (commit 8a57f4e0a8732f99bdcd26ed34b56b4798e96920)
- Fix cubes never being unloaded when a player moves out of an area before the cubes finish loading. (commit d399eaa3ef5c5ace4e1d39895b75357ed3f83dca)
- Improve performance when moving very fast. (commit cc3de4bc074bb2a9ecb916027410a439205b240c)
- Optimize async chunk loading. (commit 0ca718419c927aaf258d6cb88f5ff8edb5418b64)
- Fix sometimes unloading chunk that contains the player when moving very fast. (commit 166f77f3e822abda590ac5b85ee4796d0df6bb9c, 088c4ad55f06e4f2d4f8c9c3d24c93751b40075c)
- CC API: Add access to changing cube biomes. (commit e100f2a419d60613f4795a450c4ad21caa506029)
- Fix scheduled ticks not working as intended (fixes redstone behavior and liquids not flowing after reloading chunks). (commit 7dfbda8382b02345ce4c5a59bf5e28fad68b6501)
- CC API: Allow registering cubic chunks populators in CC vanilla compatibility generation. (commit c06825ba55398854f5956e94b53ebec830d49bdc, by Foghrye4)
- CC API: Allow querying whether cubes are generated. (commit 36fc4bd0fa9f0fceb486ed53e1945f272fdec54d)
- Add more options to force creating or loading cubic chunks worlds, should allow forcing CC on OpenTerrainGenerator mod (commit 85f6b37304b74f861a441ba16bf9fcf3f3be958b):
- ​
- only cubic chunks world types will create cubic chunks worlds (default) - ​
- when creating new world (equivalent to selecting "yes" for cubic chunks in world creation GUI) - ​
- any world that isn't in excluded dimension list will be loaded as cubic chunks world. This will try to load vanilla worlds as cubic chunks (won't convert existing chunks!) - ​
- load all worlds as cubic chunks worlds (except mod fake worlds) - Remove debug items when debug option is enabled. (commit 1d6b0eebd7a0d406bbd0c58199c8d90df59ffefb)
- Save isCubicWorld flag with the world, to correctly handle excluded dimensions. (commit 10064a4f80ae603e12ba8d98dce01fc42ec84f34)
- Fix NullPointerException crash with some mods (crash when setting blocks in unloaded cube clientside). (commit abbcc49baaef2f99c87cbba7b7c7d132ac1b8517)
- Add config option to control how biome temperature changes with height. (commit fbe57dba03842b2881bee165929443d9f25b59d9, fe4d8f531e21e11b57655257c2c816f0418ea0e3)
- Fix potential crash when setting blocks in empty cube. (commit 68fc718b3b361298be1228fa9fa1e81154063243)
- CC API: Add ChunkGC to API. (commit 807a53b057053836bcf932811757ca6d17c7209f, 3bb633497b9aa45a58fb8901637686bf723b46c4)
- Fix falling blocks causing infinite loop when loading/generating world with no blocks below. (commit 5cabcf6be0b19f568fe8b464516dab50593518ea)
- Compatibility with OptiFine E4 pre4. (commit 118d7ddfd790f551b4d32075d48bfaf9d9aa9851)
- Fix crash when trying to load a tile entity with saved position not matching position of the cube it's saved in. (commit cbaaada44a935d66500aa99b58b87742352d295a)
- (experimental) NEID and partial JEID compatibility. (commit f80525baa48b28fc8bb809a4fa8e19d86719dfb8)
- Fix random crash when receiving cubes from server. (commit d0f3c85f07dd747e717c85c99cf73a0f83671665)
- Fix crash when loading some modded tile entities. (commit 2bbde143a7cb51497fd003709d42fb2a180770f0)
- More mod friendly way to detect creating cubic chunks world. Should work with mods that replace world creation menu. (commit 4a12fb3b118203b7e838d8d71a3bc3269e094556)
- CC API: Always fire CubeWatchEvent when sending cubes. (commit fd31f407757224123090a09be26ced7ffa2f028d)
- Fix never removing TileEntities clientside, causing small memory leaks, performance issues, and potentially crashes. (commit c5d51d04b3e8ea4c11e8dfdebc85d1985a97e85b)
- Fix mob AI below y=0. (commit 14203b7b5cf1e91117f6629b0b039097c37cc6c3, by Foghrye4)
- Partial support for Forge chunk loading API. ChickenChunks is not working due to it's internal implementation of loading chunk tickets from save. Also faster and more correct entity spawning and optimized chunk ticking. (commit 26fcda154e26be4d5182fdae7582c93fb00dab1d)
- Fix incorrectly handled scheduled ticks, causing broken redstone and liquid behavior. (commit 1d734a52866f3fafd5520c5520a35397e4c11b8f, by Foghrye4)
- Fix snow not generating above y=256 (may break existing world preset by generating snow in unintended places!). (commit ecd798d3cd545cddcb69b0b3e35af1458e95820e, 0253d252806362c8197b14c8d0dcae42070ee785)
- Allow vertical render distance up to 64 when OptiFine is installed, fix render distance above 32 when OptiFine is installed (commit a31e9c8fa61c9b5323b68270f0f4d5918e7a91a6)
- Fix Minecraft hanging when entities teleport in cubic chunks end. (commit 754a0b4e96f5495c0146214ceb7e27fc2f7b4738)
- Implement vertical view distance affecting chunk rendering. (commit ba3e1fbc6e444f751e5a9f03d0b2edc3155477f7, 80e4a9f95d62af8121d83e97bc429f4f6044278c)
- Remove debug logging for chunk saving to decrease noise in server logs. (commit a217cbf2e5a8c40e2638649905d92dbd920b4f7f)
- Fix nether portal handling in cubic chunks world. (commit d3232f7798ff3110a85c8a8210a4cd8109bf6bdc, by Foghrye4)
- Fix grass growing, mushrooms and lava fire beyond vanilla height range, internal fixes for player respawn. (commit 94a839cedded1804e7ed5ad33e8bc6ece1a31916)
- Fix typos in configuration. (commit 308a98d44d10d2028446ce61e51d8fcd007022d3)
- Fix finding spawnpoint. (commit 2c2311acedbff9f70f0c6cf4bf0ece37b2acf243)
- Internal refactoring around uses of CC API. (commit f7971111b7fdd133596c36ca544d665ea0dc6a2f, by Cyclonit)
- Fix random server hang when teleporting to/from nether when using optimixed path navigator. (commit 8f8764e66e8990730ab609af56333c41a78cca9d, by Foghrye4)
- 3D biome storage, network protocol changes to accomodate 3d biomes. Client and server not compatible with older versions (new servers require new client version, new clients can't join old servers). (commit 713fa0c8805c265e51991aaf195f62e3cb859e40, by Foghrye4)
- Fix Forge mod world generators not working in cubic chunks world in default world type. (commit 0615c25bba299e58ba0a567a91b046dbba06e92a)
- Partial implementation of using forge mod world generators in CustomCubic and other world types (do not use!). (commit 48212a8a87e1f1539c505920607c7b4abd0338fc)
- Optimize population when there is nothing to do for CustomCubic (only applicable to CubicWorldGen worlds). (commit 2146d2977bfca8015a2ab9665ffe7e754fd3411b)
- Fix air above nether in CustomCubic. (commit 1128f2d2fb80ffe0c3c9b9fe63ffd9fda514d128)
- Optimize part of worldgen light propagation. (commit 920a84d602325c0c7284a132e5deac5f4ba03118)
- Make generated spawn area Y size same size as vanilla (much faster spawnpoint generation and loading). (commit 497d2403b476dabcff16ee47da65aca3fdfabb45)
- CC API: Improve world generator API, other API improvements (breaks compatibility with existing cubic chunks world generators). (commit 3f14a52b60ce883d297f550b207394021227cd75 - 4e62a3c637ee91b68f2071df0384b26dc46a7114)
- Fix server hang in AI code when at very high Y position, also fixes incorrect AI behavior when near cliffs. (commit 448248e0dbc4c59deb627f692ef6cea72347164c)
- Internal changes for ForgeEssentials compatibility. (commit 19877500b3a994b97937eec61230d8f1ef9deab1)
- Use more general save handling hook as region cache is global so no world context is needed. (commit 76c5f20149d77109588b078b7994bf7231efc339)
- Add API. (commit 9038dec47469ba24e64c9957052a9c52e349182c)
- CubicWorldGen separated into it's own mod. (commit 9038dec47469ba24e64c9957052a9c52e349182c)
- Fix precipitation heightmap using z coordinate instead of x. (commit 9038dec47469ba24e64c9957052a9c52e349182c)
- Fix compatibility with mods using new Forge #2705 Chunk Watch event API. (commit a5c5ba3288d58811c2c533d266955b65910842aa, by Foghrye4)
- Fix boats below y=0. (commit ac92eec37ee6d638c9c936365d4247b4343ddf60, by Foghrye4)
- Fix beacon lower Y limit. (commit b171490e6c90cffcddff97b2fffb4a6832c5f850, by Foghrye4)
- Remove fast collision checks option, it never worked correctly. (commit 2fd9636ddd075f9898c729ccb6472fd4ec9efc2e, by Foghrye4)
- Partial fix for animal spawning not being spread out enough. (commit 674ab10b3993debc3e5eee8675e89e60a407a642)
- Fix cubes being populated multiple times, including animals - cubes are actually marked as populated internally. (commit 67e4b3fdfb9b516511201d988c3df9288ca75bfd, by Foghrye4)
- Better distribute animals during worldgen spawn, add missing Forge event for entity spawn check, should fix compatibility with some mods. (commit 52448a0b8594ed8142746e6464838964071ecf44, by Foghrye4)
- Small optimizations in lighting and tick logic, shut down the game when handing a packet fails. (commit 412e3f47fa06ee19c1ae72775137c32a085ea866)
- Fix broken button text. (commit d41927343d6eee3605885def2bbfd4cc940873f4, by Shad0wlife)
- Fix BetterFPS fast beacon compatibility. (commit 7b81c1ae460513f2345c9f5a117b8767961dc285, by Shad0wlife)
- Fix Chorus Fruit teleportation outside of vanilla limits. (commit 6c36d54749c785cf8265855b94f68af0bf860fa5, by Shad0wlife)
- Fix version number in mod file, makes it possible to depend on specific CC versions. (commit 524b6315fe04f6ad35ad452f1a49b837dbd39baf)
- Reimplement vanilla chunk relight checks to fix lighting glitches over time, unlike vanilla, CC does it only serverside. (commit e6f1a0a5809f374a7eda912f56b0257b47d28c39)
- Fix "too many open files" issue when there are many dimensions by using shared region cache instead of per-dimension cache. (commit 8b33ad41d1e72080e23883cab0e75385c328602c)
- Update RegionLib to fix running out of open files. (commit 2e6193070179ccc1e8c81eb88c55301cd9a98e54)
- Fix internal cube entity tracking outside of vanilla height ranges in CC worlds, and crashes in vanilla worlds. (commit 10a14100c6418262d0a42f280847bc2ff9c33867, 130999f61af4625c57693691a54d7263d30b731e)
- First released version.
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72Publication date
December 14, 2021 at 5:09 PMPublisher